SMALL PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS OP Sitttatioss Wanted or Vacajtt, Houses to Let or Wawtio to Rest, Lodgings Wasted or to Let, Boabd Wakted or Offered Businesses Wanted or for Sale-, Articles Lost or Fotjhd, Specific Aeticles Wanted or for Sale, Pabtkebsbips Wanted or Offebed, Are inserted at the following rates, but only when Prepaid 20 Words, Sd; or Four Insertions for Is 6d. 2S Words, Sd: or Four for 2s 3d. 30 Words, Is; or Four for 3s Od. 40 Words, Is Sd: or B'our for-is6d. The address counted as part of advertisement.
These rates are strictly confined to Advertisement of the Classes enumerated, and roust be PAID PEE VIOUS TO INSESTION. The new Pastel Orders form a convenient mode of remitting in payment of these Advertisements. They issued by the Post Office at the following rates of commission ONE HALFPENNY for Orders of Is and Is 6d; "ONE PENNY for Orders of 2s, 2s 6d, 3s, 3s 6d, 4s, 4s Sd, 5s, 7s 6d, 10s, 10s 6d; THBEE HALFPENCE for Orders of 15b and 20s. ESTABLISHED 1842. EOYAL VICTORIA HORSE BAZAAE.
31 AND 33, Chiohestxb Stbeet, )b 11 AND 13. MO.vTGOMB STBEET. JOHN EOBSON beg to intimate that he has always on hands, for Private Sale, -J Xf JfE'W SECOND-HAND CAS- I DU EIAG-ES of nil descriptions also 1 Art SETS OF AND SECOND-HAJSTD 1UU EAENESS. by good makers; Saddles, Side Saddles, Bridles, Horses. Pony Traps, Bath Chairs Harness, LET OS HIKE by the woek, month or Tear 6847 LEG ANT PHAETON, in excellent condition; beautifully fmiahed.
with lamps fit for immediate use; price, 12. On view at 9, Queen's Square. 8918 T7IOE SALE, a pure-bred GERSEY HEIFER, 1 2 years old expected to calve in June very handsome aad promising. Apply to. A.
A. Richardson, Atiardelghey, Lis.birn, 8890 BELFAST INDUSTRY. Black Seamless Stockings, made of Irish "WoolLadies', Is 6d; Girls' 1s and 1s 4d pair. Andrew Maguire, 1 5. North Street.
LADIES' Black Seamless STOCKINGS, soft and fin? Girls', 1s4id, Women's, Is Maguire. 15, North Street, Belfast. 81 88 THE BELFAST NURSERY, MALONE ROAD. Largest and finest collection of Plants for Table, Window, and General Decoration. Gardens Arranged.
THE BELFAST NURSERY. Wreaths, Bouquets, Sprays. in the best style, from fresh Sowers. -Teletrrams. Crawfordson, Belfast." Town Depot, 20rMiil Street.
6648 FOUND AT LAST. rpHE CHEAPEST, LIGHTEST, AND EASIEST JL wrought Lawn Mower in the Market, the AMERICAN PHILADELPHIA, Note Prices 30s; 35s 45s; 1 55s net. Every Mower Guaranteed. SOLE AGENTS ALEX. DICKSON SONS, 55.
Rotah, Avesoe, Belfast. 6555 BUY DICKSONS Monarch" Swede, the largest and best keeping variety in existence long red Mammoth and Champion Globe Mangels, Avenue. Gi ARDES ROLLERS, Seats, Lounges, Ham-T mocks. Garden Engines, Water Barrows, Galvanised Wire Netting, Nets for Covering Fruit Royal Avenue. DICKSONS' celebrated Lawn Grass Mixtures, for Lawn Tennis Courts, Lawns, iSsc, will produce a beautiful verdant turf in a short time.
ICKSON SOJXS, Royal Florists, Royal Avenue, Belfast; letters and telegrams have immediate attention. Telegraphic Address, "Florists," Belfast; Telephone Number 414. 8052 GARDEN SEEDS. Orders, value 20s, forwarded carnage paid small seeds, post free, ninstrated Catalogues gratis. Drunimond's.
58, Dawson Street, Dublin. 1034 PRIZE PURPLE-TOPPED SWEDE oar true Stock, 1 0d per lb. Farm Catalogues free. Drnmraond Sons. 58.
Dawson Street, Dublin. 6373 T4 the City Florist, High Stsest and ItJL Victoria Street, Belfast telegrams have immediate attention, -r- Telegraphic address "M'Duff, Florist Belfast." I 'DUFF'S Bridal, Ball, and Presentation Bou-jjfJL quets. Sprays. All the latest West End novelties have been produced by M'Buff, High Street. ffcT 'DUFF'S WREATHS and CROSSES of lIJL choicest natural flowers; most beautiful productions; artistic West End styles at.
rough-made Covent Garden tirices. Tl zr'DUEF Employs only first-class artistes; his 1x1. Bouquets, Sprays, Wreaths, are unsurpassed by London, Paris, or New York numerous testimonials. ir 'DUFF'S Porcelain Wreaths Magnificent Xjjl. stock, specially manufactured for his select trade by the best makers in Paris Marble Stands, Shades, 8507 TJILOWER SEEDS.
54 showy varieties Hardy JD Annuals, including Stocks and Aatera, by post Is Id. -Joseph Orr Sc Son, Ann Street LAWN MOWERS. "Manchester," "Pennsylvania," "Great American," "Philadelphia;" cheapest and best made write for price lists. -Joseph Orr Son, Seedsmen, LAWN GRASS. Finest Mixture for tennis grounds, 16s per bushel, lOd per lb.
Joseph Orr Son, Ann Street. NETTING for Fruit Trees and Tennis Grounds, Rose and Dahlia Stakes, Wreaths and Stands. Joseph Orr Son, Ann Ssreet. MANGEL AND TURNIP SEEDS. Finest Stocks from picked transplanted roots, James' Scarlet Intermediate Carrot, Joseph Orr Son.
Seedsmen. 8386 PENNSYLVANIA" LAWN MOWER, guaranteed lightest running, swiftest cutting, simplest construction, and easiest to work of any. Bryce, 57, Victoria Street. 7840 SWEET CREAM and Cream for whipping, Cream Butter, fresh daily, lib. boxes, Is 3d finest print, laid.
The Ulster Dairy Company, 7a and 8a, Great Victoria. Street, and Queen's Arcade, Belfast. 8831 STAINED GLASS and Memorial Windows. Richest and most chaste designs, at moderate nriees: designs free. J.
R. Carlisle Wilson, 29, North' Street. best British Silvered Plate; the lVJL Largest and Cheapest Stock in Ireland. J. E.
Carlisle Wilson, 29, North Street. GLASS, Paints, Oils, and Glazing. The Cheapest House for above is J. R. Carlisle Wilson's, 29, North Street, Belfast.
8754' FOB SALE, A PARK PHAETON, in perfect order; price 1Q a rare bargain. Apply to James Montgomery, Coachbuilder, Oookstown. 7542 PURE-BRED Black POODLE PUPPIES; prices, five guineas and four parents registered K.C.G. E. The Demesne, Armagh.
8757 WATER BARRELS. Teakwood Pipes, 200 to 280 gallons; Oak Butts. 130 to BA gallons, at reduced prices. Apply to Ales. Finlay, Soap and Candle Manufacturer.
Ann Street, Belfast. 8639 ILVER PHEASANT EGGS, 12s dozen. H. P. Finnebrogue, Downpatrick, Co.
Down. 8385 VERTICAL BOILER (second-hand) and Mountings for Sale; to be seen at Harbour Works, Belfast. Offers to Marriott Graham, Boilermakers, Govan. 8763 WASHING AND WRINGING MACHINE, FOR SALE; in good order. Can.
be seen at 44, Dover Street. 8685 FOR SALE, cheap. White Leghorn HENS, 4s each; also, Leghorn and Plymouth Eock EG6S, 6s oer dozen. Mrs. Wise, Greenisland.
8844 FOR SALE. Pure-bred ALDERNEY (Bull) CALF, eight days old; 2. Apply, East-leigh, Ballyhaekamore. 8974 EGGS. Black Minoroas, direct from Abbott and Hopkins, laid all winter, 4a 6d free, worth IDs Sd; unfertiles replaced.
Miss F. Clark, Upperlands, Belfast. 9019 CHIPPENDALE CHAIRS and Chest of Drawers, interior solid oak also Sideboard, back; decided bargains. Thomas H. M'Knight3, 156, York Street.
(Please note-Opposite Dock Street.) SOI 8 TO BE DISPOSED OF, the GOOD-WILL and FITTINGS of a long-established LADIES' SCHOOL in one of the most healthy suburbs of Belfast. Address, School, 8979, News-Letter Office. VALUABLE PROVISION BUSINESS AND PREMISES FOR SALE BY PRIVATE TREATY. TO BE SOLD BY PBTVATE TREATY THE GOOD-WILL of the extensive PROVISION CURING BUSINESS of the late Henry Brownlee, as carried on by him at 95, 93, and 95, York Street, successfully up till his death also the Lease of the Premiass are held at a moderate rent. The above is one of the best Concerns in Ulster.
To a smart, pushing business man the Concern would be very valuable. For particulars, apply to DAVID HARPER, i the Executor of Deceased, on th Premises. TO LET. FUESISITED, A lARSE COMMODIOUS HOUSE ia CLIFTONTILLE, suitable for Gentleman's family, with Diniag-asoom, float and back Drawing-room. Study, seven Bedrooms, Laundry, Battis, Stablingj Eyers, Fowl-hoose, Conaerratory, tee.
Cards to View, 4c, a-opty, Wtt M-COEMICS. 7914 21, Chichester Street. TO EE. LET. FROM.
1st KAY NEXT, that LARGE TA2D, vttb 'ixWnqp. Sheds, sad: Caretaker's ia Alfrec. ritreet, at preaent ia the oconpation of Messrs. Eiehardson, Sons, Owden. These Premises are admirably adapted for Boaiaers Tfaxci Apply to W.
HARTLEY Sc 00., 8358 16, Waring Street. 10 good STABLING-, in Queen's Elms fHewa. Appiy, 4, Sedford Street. 8884 OFFICES. Suite of three: first floor; Middle Caa Gibers.
162, Eoyai Avenue; central and cortTenient. Daya Bowman, 143, Koyal Avenue. OFFICES, 10, Howard Street, to let, with immediate possession convenient; to Bedford. Street, Davys Bowman. 143, Royal Arcane.
OFFICES, Calender Street very central suitable for manufacturing agent, to. Days Bowman, Houae and Land Agent, 143, Royal Avenue. OQ QEES STF.EET: upper portion of house jWO, suitabla for Office or business premises. Davys Bowman, Agent, 143, Royal Avenue. STQEE, Curtis Street, to Let with immediate possession; recently built.
Davys Bowman, House and Land Agent, 143, Royal Avenue. YARD Large yard, Great George's Street, having large gateway entrance suitable for a builder. Davys Bowman, 143, Royal AVenue. 2 HAMPTON TERRACE. Lisbum Road, con-, taining three reception-rooms and ftix bedrooms.
tram pasaas. Davys Bowman. 143, Royal Avenue. A EliiWOGB AVENUE, containing three jtO. reception and eight bed rooms: convenioat to tram.
Davys Bowman, House and Land Agent, 143, Royal Avenue. -i CiiASBMONT TERRACE, Botanic Road, jLu, containing' two sitting and five bed rooms; "tmmdifce possession. Davys Bowman, 1 43, Royal Avenue. 8eOEB STREET, Ormeau Road: contains two sitting, five bed rooms; bath. h.
and rent. 28. Apply, M-Kelvey "Combe, Royal Avenue. FURNISHED HOUSE at seaside, Antrim shore, and in the city rents moderate. Apply, "Combe, 85.
Royal Avenue, Belfast. 1BAVBNHILL TERRACE, Ormeau Park contains three reception-rooms, nine bedrooms, bathroom; garden, rent, 45. Apply, M'Kelvey 'Combe, Royal Avenue. BLBNHEI2I TERRACE, off Botanic Avenue contains two sitting, four bed rooms; h. and c.
Apply, M'Kelvey 'Combe, 85, Royal Avenue. SHOPS, with good Dwelling-houses, Old Lodge Rosd anfi Divis Street rents moderate. Apply, M'Kelvey M'Comfae, Royai Avenue. OFFICES in Royal Avenue, on first, second, and third floors. Apply, M'Kelvey SI 'Combe, 85, Royal Avenue.
COTTAGE, Whitehouse; contains two sitting, four bed rooms; garden: rent, 20. Apply to M'Kelvey M'Combe, Belfast. 8719 TO' LBT OR SELL, from November, the spacious Premises ia King Ssreet, presently occupied by Messrs. Swanston ez Bones. James Jenkins.
1 7. iiosernary Street, 8802 OFFICES TO LET, Royal Avenue, from. 12 also Ground Floor Office or Store, Queen Street. George Tate, 68, Royal Avenue. 8975 TO LBT, those NEW HOUSES, Shore RoaS all modem improvements rent, 2Q free.
George Tate, Royal Avenue. HOUSE TO LET, 164, York Street; seven rooms hot and cold water immediate possession. George Tate, 58, Royal Avenue. HOUSE TO BE LET OR SOLD, Donegal! Pass seven rooms immediate possession. George Tate, 68, Royai Avenue.
BUILDING-GROUND TO LET, Ballynafeigh, aoath aspect also at Cliftonville, Donegal! Pass, George Tate, 68, Royal Avenue. 8878 TO LET, OF52Q.E on ssatmd flat of 91. Victoria Street, with splendid light. Apply at 87, Victoria Street SS77 POQ-S, HENRIETTA TERRACE, South owO. Parade two reception and four bed rooms all modern improvements, including hot, cold, and shower beautiful aspect healthy situation ornamental ground.
James Ml''Cann Ill, Donegall Street. S8 0 0 TO LET, HENRIETTA VILLA, Sydenham, coatainiDg five bedrooms, two reception-rooms garden spring and: city water immediate possession; Apply to Michael M'Gonigal, 16, Donegal! Street 8799 COTTAGE, with garden. Bellevue, Strandmillis Eoad newly painted and papered moderate rent; two minutes' walk from tram. A. Harknesa, College StrseD.
878 8 BALMORAL TERRACE, 57, Great Victoria Street, to Let, from 1st May; comfortable dweSing-house; two reception and five bed rooms. William B. Mur.ee. 14, Rosemary Street. 8332 qpo LET, 25, ULSTEBVILLE AVENUE three I reception, eight bed rooms every accommodation for a gentleman's family garden front and rear.
Apply, Wharton, Corn Market. 8S03 CASTLECHESTEB, WHITEHEAD, two minutes from atation sitting, four bed rooms pantry, acullexy, kitchen range). Apply at 114, Royal Avenue; or to Mr. Harms, oath Premises. 8898 TO BE LET or SOLD, GROCERY and RETAIL SPIRIT ESTABLISHMENT in Carrick-fergus i complete fixtures best position; immediate possession.
Apply, E. M'GifSn, 28, North Street, Belfast. 8335 RAZING (well watered), TO LET, for the season, at Breda Lodge, Newtownbreda. Apply to Robinson Cleaver, Donegall Place. 9012 (' 1 RAZING.
Two Fields of good GRAZING to JT be Let, 2J miles from Belfast, on the Holy-wood Road good water and well fenced. Apply to the Steward, Bedbum. 8378 nno BE LET. from the 1st May, that COTTAGE JL in Ballyworkan. one mile from Portadowu, containing: two reception-rooms, five bedrooms, kitchen and pantry fitted up with all modern appliances, bells, w.c, baths, with garden and land if required.
Apply to Jacob Sinton. Armagh, Portadown. S027 PAINTLNG SEASON. MIXED PAINTS, FINEST QUALITY, ready foruse, in Hb.and 21b. tins, easily applied and dry rapidly.
Very convenient and economical. The Woodstock Enamels, for decorative purposes all shades, in tins at 4Jd and 9d each. All kinds of Paints, Oils, Colours, Varnishes, Brushes, of superior quality, at Wholesale Prices. WM. DOBBIN THE CITY STORES, 45 A5B 47, NORTH STREET, BELFAST.
6226 FOR SALE. FARM FOR SALE IS BALLYCRAIGY. -mjOTlCB IS HEREBY GIVEN. THAT THE 131 FARM of the late ALEX GUY. advertised loir Sale by Auction on Friday, 2nd May, at the Royal Avenue Salerooms, Belfast.
HAS BEEN WITHDRAWN, and will not be offered for Sale. ROBERT T. MARTIN. Solicitor, 13, 8955 Lombard Street. IRE AND BUILDING BRICKS FOE SALE, cheap; can make 1 0,050 daily.
For prices, apply to The Ulster Fireclay Works ompany, Coal-island. 8973 BEIGES. 3c P. CREAK HAVE NEW SEASONED BRICK ready for Delivery. Clay Ground by Machinery.
Prices on application at Brick TSWrita. ASDOYNB, or QUEST'S QUAY, mi TIMBER TRADE. WANTED, APPRENTICE; respectable, educated Young Man, not over sixteen years old. Apply at the Cromac Saw Mills. 8734 WANTED, a respectable LAD to assist at counter in a Music Shop.
Apply, Music, 8805. tbis Office. WANTED, A CLOTHPASSER having a thorough knowledge of plain linens. Apply to Durham Street Weaving Company, Belfast. 8821 mt xxuu.
iu.w.l' (ju iuujx rtiwjr place will give a free house and garden a pensioner nf A x. 1 1 -n preferred. Apply, M. 8727, Neics-Latter. XjTf ANTED, an educated BOY, 15 or 1 6.
James Yt Auctioneers, Valuers, and Housefurnishfjrs, 111, Donegal! Street. 8848 TXT ANTED, a YOUNG MAN as Assistant, who Tt has served his time. James M-'Cann Housefumisoers, 111, Donegall Street. 8849 ANTED, an ASSISTANT for the Grocery and ProvisionBusiness. Henry A.
Emerson. Armagh. 8853 Apply, at once, Josenn Erskme. Commer cial House, oiigo. ANTED, SALESMAN, for -class Merchant Tailoring Establishment ia the city.
Address, O. 9006, News-Letter. ANTED, A YOUNG MAN for the Outside Retail Tea Trade one from country pre ferred. John Lindsay, Cavan. 9000 WANTED, respectable Thorough SERVANT for family of two; undeniable references required for character and ability.
Address given here. 9002 WANTED, PARTNER, with capital, for the Wholesale Irish and American Provision Trade advertiser's experience and connection exceptional. Address, 8 9 0 0 A'ews-Let ter Office. WANTED, an INVOICE CLERK, a neat penman, who can write shorthand. Apply to Robert Vance, Mercantile Registry Office.
Gordon Street, Belfast. 8909 ANTED, respectable LAD for the Grocery and Provision Trade one from the country preferred. Apply, Sarul. B. Dunlop, HQ and 112, New Lodge Road.
8815 ANTED, immediately, ASSISTANT to Gro-eery and Spisit Business. State reference and salary to William M'Bride, Dowapairick. S910 ANTED, an APPRENTICE to the Tailoring; one some time a.t the trade one from the country preferred. Address, T. 8838, New-Letter.
TT ANTED, at once, a first-class DRESS-W MAKER; must cut and fit well liberal salary to suitable person. Address, 2., 8897, Newt-Letter Office. ANTED, immediately, a YOUNG MAN for Cloth Department. Apply, stating salary expected (outdoor), with references, to P. M'Lorinan, Armagh.
8814 YSjJANTED, a first-class YOUNG MAN, to man-f age a Wine and Spirit Busmessjgood salary to suitable man; security required. D. 8581, this Office. WANTED, a YOUNG MAN who has served part of his time to Grocery Business: also, an APPRENTICE. Apply, J.
R. Crooks; Randalstown. 8854 ANTED, DRESSMAKER, who can cut and fit well: one having knowledge of millinery preferred. Apply, with references. Wm.
Murray, Mo'y. 8922 WANTED, YOUNG LADY as 'Assistant to Straw Bonnet-making also an Apprentice to Milliuerv and Straw Bonnet-making. Apply, Mrs. Miskimmin. 128.
CrumlinRoad. 8807 ANTED, energetic MAN for Retail Linen ana uamasK liBpartment gooa window dresser every encouragement Agency, 81. High Street. 880S ANTED, a YOUNG MAN, as Assistant in a gentleman garden one having two or three years' experience preferred. Apply, personally.
Thomas Beattie 100, High Street. 8330 "TNTED, for a country establishment, a married pair, as good COOK and BUTLER; Protestants. Interview at the Royal Hotel. Belfast, Thursday and Friday morning. 8919 WANTED, respeefcahie middle-aged as HOUSEKEEPER, to single gentleman, residing in provincial town; must be well recommenced.
Apply, giving particulars and copies of testimonials, to 8926. News-Letter Office. Tlf 7" ANTED, by an extensive Wholesale House in the Tea. Wine, and Spirit Trade, a CORRESPONDING CLERK must be a competent shorthand writer, and a rapid and neat longhand writer, or be qualified to work typewriter expeditiously and well. Apply, in confidence, giving full particulars of present and past employment, naming salary expected, to 8985, this Office.
WHOLESALE TEA TRADE. WANTED, an APPRENTICE, well educated age, about fifteen. Apply, in own to S. B. 8829, News-Letter.
YOUNG (Protestant) LADY, can get to seaside, free; useful COMPANION to lady; servant kept musical preferred. Address, Clara, 9005, News-Letter. NUMEROUS VACANCIES now open in different branches of business call, or enclose stamped envelope for reply. Gilbert's Agency. Castle Chambers." 8327 AGENCIES.
AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE. For a really profitable ageney, address. 50, Calchorpe Street, London, W.C. 8724 BELFAST HOUSE, with Offices and Stores, centrally situated, and first-class connection; could represent a countrv spinner or manufacturer. Finance, 8737, News-Letter.
CANVASSER AND INSPECTOR OF AGENTS in Belfast and North of Ireland WANTED, for a first-class old English Life Insurance Company must be a gentleman of ability. Apply, with full particulars, to Insurance Canvasser, 6, Dame Street, Dublin! 8730 WANTED, by old-established firm, AGENT for Sale, on commission, in Belfast and district of really first-class, well-advertised Marine Engine and other Oils. Address, Agent, 8989. Belfast News-Letter Office. SERVANTS' REGISTRIES.
FOR ENGAGEMENT, Kitchen-maid, restaurant; Housemaid, Nurse. Cook, Laundress, can milk, make butter Young Girl. Mrs, Lang, 6. Wellington Street. 8915 FOR ENGAGEMENT, good Cooks, House, Parlour Maids, Working Housekeeper, Sewing Maid.
Stable Helper; drive: general useful man. M'Cord's, 8, Wellington Street. 8929 flOR IMMEDIATE ENGAGEMENT, several good General Servants thoroughly experienced oung Nurse for city Protestants. Mrs. Jordan, 1 2, Regent Street.
9020 OE IMMEDIATE ENGAGEMENT, Plain Cook, small family Cook for business house good General Servant, Lisburn Road district. Parkinson's, Conduit Street. 8980 HEAD OFFICE in BELFAST, 2, College Street. Mrs. H.
REED wishes to say to nobility and gentry, orders filled with care Wanted, all classes of Servants ready for Engagement, good Cooks. 8996 MRS. GLASS Wants, for present and 1st June, all classes of really goad Servants, who can be well 78, King Street. 9007 RS. ROLSTON Requires Cooks, plain and professed; Nurses.
House, Parlour, Kitchen, Scullery, Laundry Maids Children, Nursery Maids; Thorough Servants. 55, Arthur Street. 9021 SITUATIONS, all kinds. Ladies wanting Servants please call to-day. Wanted, Young Girls and good General Servants to-day.
Ormeau Academy. 9028 TO HOTEL SERVANTS. Wanted, two Kitchen-maids, Stiilroprn-maid. Housemaid; also, Boots, Waiter, Billiard Marker, Pantry Boy. Mrs.
Rolston, 55, Arthur Street. 8022 WANTED, young, active Girls for Nurserymaids, Kitchen-maids also, Plain Cooks, General Servants also. Footmen, Butler. Mrsl Rolston, 55. Arthur Street.
9023 "TTTr ANTED, 1st June, young Dressmaker as Children's Maid; also, all classes of well-recommonded Servants, Apply, Lady Superintendent. Institution, Xwickfraham Street, 9024 BANGOR. To Let. for May and June, FURNISHED HOUSE, 7, Beaumont Ter-race. Apply at 37, Donegall Place.
8812 BANGOR. FURNISHED HOUSE, facing the sea, near Pickie Rack, two reception, five bed rooms, to Let from May. Address given here. 8399 CEAIGAVAD. TO LET.
FURNISHED COTTAGE, five minutes' walk from railway or shore. David M'Cutcheon, or 38 and 40, Ann Street. 8986 "RAIGAVAD. TO LET. for summer mouths, JLy a FURNISHED HOUSE, convenient to Station.
Apply to J. Hodge, Craigavad. 8984 DONAGHADEE. To Let. FURNISHED COTTAGE, William Street; parlour, kitcshen, three bedrooms, garden, and outhouses.
Apply, M. A. 9, Templemore Avenue, Belfast. 9004 DOUBLE HOUSE TO LET, FURNISHED; south side all modern imprave.rerits. Apply to George Tate, 68, Royal Avenue.
8982 ARATHON. DONAGHADEE. To Let, two Qr TTniicoa n-no 11 -rm'eh pfi nnA nrif urn drawing-room, front and back parlours, five bedrooms, bathroom, Sc. first-class railway tickets; beautifully situated, facing the Wm. Curragh, Donaghadee; or, William W.
Houston, 1 7, Rugby Road. Belfast. 8826 FAIR VIEW HOUSE, Stangmore, Dunga.nnon, to be Let, with or without land. Apply, by letter, to Robert Orr, Broomhill, Dungannon. 87 65 -VT EWCASTLE.
UNFURNISHED, small HOUSE, facing pro-nenade suitable two or three ladies, or gentleman and lady; garden, to Apply, Mrs. Morrison, Newcastle. 8S50 PORT-A-VELA. GREENCASTLE. TO LET, FURNISHED, for summer months or by year, from 1st May, this desirable residence will be let cheap for month of Ma v.
W. Jeffcott. Muff Lodge, Derry. 8812. PORTBALLINTRAE.
TO LET. FURNISHED, for summer months, DETACHED HOUSE, with tennis ground few minutes' walk from sea and electric tram; six bedrooms; two 3itting-rooms. O. 89S7, Nevs-Letter Office. OSTREVOR.
COTTAGE TO BE LET, for three bedrooms. Apply to Miss Jones, Rostrevor. 8813 TO LET, WELL FURNISHED HOC-SB, delightfully situated, on Antrim steam tram passes every accommodation. Address given at this Office. 8733 TO BE LET, FURNISHED, for July and August, or longer if required, large, commodious HOUSE, in Botanic end of city, containing two receptioa and five bed rooms, bath, h.
and rent moderate. Apply to B. A. 8301, Office of this Paper. ANTED, at Warrenpoint, for month of July, a FURNISHED HOUSE, facing shore, with two reception and four or five bed rooms.
State terms and particulars to D. 881 9, Office of this Pape.r. SPECIFIC AETICLES "WANTED. ANTED, second-hand CRANE WINCH. in perfect order, and capable of lifting one ton.
Apply, stating price, to Crane, 8994, News-Letter. X7HITB PEACOCK. WANTED, a few large tan ieatners irom wnite peacocK BroKen ones not objected to. E. Richardson, Dunmnrry.
8991 MISCELLANEOUS. ALL who wish to make Money easily and quicklv at home, write A. P. Murray. 4, Maude Road.
"London. S.E. 4677' HOUSE PROPERTY. WANTED, 1 ,000 to 2,000 Property, with a large Shop preferred. Stats particulars, M.
8847, Netoa-Letter Office. IF MARY WALLACE, otherwise MARY JANE ROLES ately domestic servant in Belfast or vicinity, would communicate with her Aunt, at Larae. she would hear of something to her advantage. 381 3 POSTAGE STAMPS (Foreign). WANTED, a oolleetion, large or small old preferred good price.
B. Massey, Clifton, Cork. 8992 INCREASED INCOME. Anyone, either can earn 3 weekly in spare time; no canvassing nor materials to buy. Stamped envelope.
Hewett, 157, Jubilee Street. London. 8905 WEEKLY realised by either sex For sample. enclose addressed envelope to Evans, Watts, (P 735), Merchants, Birmingham. 8295 fQ a month can be made with 10.
For oyOv information, address, M. 82, Coleman Street, London, E.C. E722 EDUCATION. LONDON GRADUATE, of great experience and success. Requires NON-RESIDENT POST; classics, mathematics, French.
Mr. Steen, M.A. Mr. Napier, M.E. Mr.
Aston, M.A. Mr. Curragh, F.C.S. Special Tutors are also engaged. The ARMY INSTITUTE is devoted to preparation for Military Examinations only, including Army Preliminary, Woolwich, Sandhurst, Militia Officers' Further and Competitive, Staff College, The Institute is thoroughly equipped with every appliance for carrying on a first-class work.
Prospectus may he had from WM. P. STEEN, M.A., R.U.I., B.A. Principal. Telegrams Army, Belfast." 6660 -yyiTHENFIELD, DISCARD, NEAR LIVERPOOL AND BIRKENHEAD.
BOARDING SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES. Large Garden and Tennis Lawn. University Examiner. Boarders return May 9th. 7852 MORAVIAN EDUCATION.
FULNECK SCHOOL, NEAR LEEDS, YORKS. Very open situation, facing south. All Exams, prepared for Classical and Modern sides. Special facilities for French and German Correspondence and Conversation, Shorthand, Sloyd (Swedish Carpentry) taught; Covered Gymnasium, Swimming Bath; besides the physical and mental, the moral and religious training of the Pupils is the aim of the Institution. Eighty Boarders; Nine Teachers.
Reference allowed to the Rev. S.Kershaw, U. Eblana Street, The Plains, Belfast. Director Rev. W.
T. TITTERTNGTON. 7735 BIRKENHEAD SCHOOL, CHESHIRE. A fine healthy situation four miles from the sea. Head Master Rev.
A. Sloman, M.A., Classical and Modern Sides, Preparatory Department six acres Playground, Cricket Feld, Boarders taken by Head Master. Apply io Secretary. NEXT TERM begins MAY 2. 8472 FOE THE BLOOD IS THE WEB." LASKE'S yOBLD-FAMBD B1 LOOD KIXTTJRB.
11 HE GREAT BLOOD JL -pTJKIMER AKD KESTORBB, FOB OLEANSnre AND CLEARING THE BLOOD MOM ALL IMPOBITIES it cannot be too highly recom- menftei. For Scrofula, Scurvy, EczeDia, Skin anil Blood Diseases, and Sores of all kinds it is a never-failing aad Permanent Cure. It Cta res Old Sores. Cures Soves on the Neck. Cures Sore Legs.
Cures Blaokheads or Pimples on the Face. Cures Scurvy. Cures Ulcers. Cures Blood and Skin Diseases. Cures Glandular Swellings.
Clears the Blood from all Impure Matter, Prom whatever cause arising. "As this Mixture is pleasant to the taste, and warranted free from anything injurious to the most delicate constitution of either sex, the Proprietors solicit sufferers to. give it a trial to test its value. Sold in Bottles, 2s 8d and lis each. By all CHEMISTS and PATENT MEDICINE VENDORS throJehout the world, or sent for 93 or 132 stamps by THE LINCOLN ANB MID LAND COUNTIES DRUG COMPANY, Lincoln, TBADB MARK, "BLOOD MIXTURE." Ask for OLARKE'S BLOOD MIXTURE' and do not be persi aded to take an imitation, 692G SERMONS, PAMPHLETS, SOCIETIES' RULES and all kinds of Book Work turned out at lowest at the Nbws-Lettsb Steam Printing Works, 55 67, and.
PIANOFORTES. English and Foreign, by reliable makers only. Among others, those by Steinway Sons, New York; Collard. Broadwood, Erard, George Rogers Sons, Bechstein, Berlin Ernst Kaps, Dresden. fee.
AMERICAN ORGANS By 3Iason Hamlin, The Smith American Organ to. HARMONIUMS By Trayser. Ohristophe et Etienne, ic. The above on lowest terms for Cash, also on the Three Years' Hire Purchase System, and for Hire bv the night, month, or year. MUSIC A large Btock of Vocal and Instrumental Music, Musical Magazines, Tutors for all kinds of New Sheet Music as soon as published, sold at half-price.
N.B. Instruments selected by and Tu-ninn and Repairs vndtr the personal xii.veririsi-on of Mr. Churchill, many years with Collard -k Collard. 7033 ENGLISH aui FOREIGN PIANOS, HARMONIUMS, AXD GENUINE AMERICAN ORGANS, NEW A5Q SECOND-HAND. PIANOFORTES.
LEB SONS respectfully invite inspec tion of their New Showrooms. Their Stock is larsre and varied; has been carefully selected from the most eminent Ermlish and Continental Manufacturers; includes the greatest Novelties in the Trade: and is offered at the Lowest Peioks for Sale, Hire, or on the Thbee Yeass' System. 5 7 A 5 9 ROYAL AVENUE, BELFAST. 7Q32 SHIPPING. A I A I TO SEW YORK.
Prom Liverpool every calling at Queeostown on sv 15 ty 22 EXGLAXD, Thaw. Mp 2 i SPATS" Mr MULES May a HELVETIA Thurs. ili Second Cabin astl Steerjge a.t lowest rates. Apph: to Satii-mal Steamship Company, Limited, Vfacer Street, Liverpool HENRY COWAX sy Victoria Street THOMSON 6S15- Seottisti Amicable Buildings, Victoria Street, Bel fast. A LINE.
HOY A I. MAIL STEA1EEP.5 FEOil LIVERPOOL TO SEW YOIiK. Vla Sem'a Saturday, Kay 3 Gallia Tuesday. liay Etrurics Saturday, May 10 PEOll LIVERPOOL TO BOSTON (Via Queeusto-vn.) Scythia Thursday, May 1 Favoni. Thursday, May 3 Sates of Cabk Passage Hossr.Singie Tickets, 12,15 18, and 21 Gniiieu, and 26, according eti Return Tickets, 25, 30, and 35 Guineas, and 45.
Children between 2 and 12 years half fare. Intermediate i By New York St eamers, 7 9 Guineas. Passage. By Boston Steanicrs, 7 Guineas. Steerage at Iow Ruts.
Children under 12 years, hair fare infants under 12months, 10s with full sunply of Cooked Provisions and every cumfort, Passengers booked to any part of the United states ami Canada at Special Sates. Apply for passage to W. Hamilton, Strabane W. M'CIel-land. allymena Josepb Ferris, Londonderry M.
Quinn, CooltsUtwn H. M'Derinott, Lromore J. Corr, Coalisiand; K. Watson, KillyleagU J- S. Pentland, or J.
Boyle, v. Canning, Coleraine Thomas Bailie, Porta-ferry: W. Whiteside, patrick George Guy, Mrs" C. M'Ellione, 42, Irish Street, BaagaJinon Henry Gowan. Belfast: or For Freight, Passage, and all information to ANDREW GIBSON, 49, QUBES'S SQUAKE, BELFAST OR TO TEE CTJNABD STEAMSHIP COJIPANY, LIMITED.
LIVERPOOL SS16 TATE LIN GLASGOW TO NEW YOBK EVERY FRIDAY, State of Indiana Friday, Mny 9 State of Nevada Friday, May 15 State of Pennsylvania Friday, M.ay 23. State of Georgia Friday, Itfay 30 Calling at LOJTDOXDERSY following day. And every week thereafter, subject to alteration. Important Beductlons in Kates. Saloon Cabin accommodation Seven Guineas for Berths forvrard of Saloon (Iieturn Tickets, 13 13s Od).
and Eight Guineas for Berths aft of Saloon (Return Tickets, 15 15s C-dJ available for twelve months. Xote The Steerage Fare from Glagow or Derry to Xevf York, Boston, Philadelphia, or Baltimore is 4. Passengers forwarded immediately on arrival to all places in the United States and Canada at lowest rates. For further iurcrraatiou. applv to THE STATE STEAMSHIP COMPACT, LIltlTED, 65, Great Clyde Street, Glasgow, and Steamboat Lane, Londonderry or to GEO.
C. PIM fc 20, Corporation. Street, Belfast, 6S17 and Cra-ran, Larae Harbour. "YT li'-V ZEALAND, TASMANIA, AUSTRALIA, CALLING iS at TENEEIPFB, CAPBTOWN, and at HOBART to land Passengers for Tasmania and Australia tthrous'h bookings), SH.VW, SAVILL, AHD ALBION COMPANY, Limited, despatch their magnificent, modern, full-powered Royal Mail Steamers from Loudon (Royal Albert Dock) to New Zealand every fonriveeks. Passengers oonveyed to the Cape at moderate The next departures are May Id Ionic 4.763 tons, Capt.W.
H. Eidler, R.N.R. June 12 Tainui, 5,031 tons. Cape. B.
J. Barlow. By this favourite route the intense heat of the Red Sea is avoided. Reduced fares. Very superior Second Saloon accommodation at Specially Low Rates.
Cheap Return Tickets. Apply to the Company" Offices, 34, Leadenhall Street, S.C, or 51, Pall Mall, London. S.W. 712S WEST INDUES. MEXICO.
2J.ND PACIFIC PORTS. The WEST INDIA AND PACIFIC COMPANY'S STEAMERS Sail regularly from Liverpool to Venezuela, Colombia, Mexico, the West India Islands, and Colon, talcing Cargo and Passengers for all Ports on the Pacific Coat. For Freight, Passages, and all information, apply at the Company's Agency in. Belfast, ALEXANDER SHANKS, 23, Donetrall Quay, Belfast; or in Liverpool, at the Head Office, The Temple, Dale Street. 9127 TEW ZEALAND.
TASMANIA, AND J31 AUSTRALIA. THE NEW ZEALAND SHIPPISG COMPANY'S STEAMERS, carrying the Royal Mails to New Zealand, LEAVE ROYAL ALBERT DOCK, LONDON, EVERY FOURTH THURSDAY (Plymouth two days later), landing Paiscngers en route at Tenerifc, Capetown, and at Hobart for Tasmania and Australia. Next departures May 1, Rimutaka, 4,473 tons, a.ndLvttJeton May 25, Ruapehn, 4.163 tons, Wellington, First and Second Class Ret urn. Tickets at reduced rates. Midship cabins, electric lights, perfect ventilation, and liberal cuisine.
For freight or passage, apply to the CorrpauvTs Aeents. TYSER 133, Leadenhall Street. London. E.C.; or of Agents, Messrs. SAMUEL WAN Belfast.
631S A USTRALIA. BY EXPRESS MAIL -tV STEAMERS. 14 14s London, to Adelaide, Melbourne, and Sydney 15 15s to Brisbane (with special Government land order) 16 16s to New Zealand ports. The Steamers (from 6,600 tons, power.) are the finest and fastest in the Australian trade. Electric light throughout.
General Agents, THOMSON Scottish Amicable Buildings, Victoria Street, Belfast Express Steamers to America, South Africa, the East. Best accommodation. Lowest Fares all classes. 6820 AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND. VIA AMERICA.
THE UNION STEAMSHIP CO. 01? KBW ZEALAND. LIMITED Royal Mail Steamers SAN FRANCISCO to AUCKLAND and SYDNEY, via HONOLULU, monthly Through Rates from Europe to all Colonial Ports. Next steamer leaves San Francisco May 31st, Berths seexvred and particulars obtained from the Office of the Company, IS, Walbrook, E.C.; and Tliouias Cook Son, Ladgate Circus, London, 6329 "LOCH" LINS. GLASGOW TO ADELAIDE.
MELBOURNE, SYDNEY, NEWCASTLE, AND TASMANIA. Tons Rea. i Tons Eerr. Loch Katrine 1,200 Loch 51 oy 1,200 Loch Kess jjocu sinei 1,200 Loch Tay 1 200 Loch Etive 1,200 Loch Lomoud, 1,200 Loch Ryan 1.200 Loch Long 1,200 Loch Veunachar 1,490 Loch Garry 1,490 Loch TorriJen 3,000 Loch Broom i Loch Carron 2,000 Loch Raimoch 1,200.1 The above Line of splendid Iron Clipper Strips, feuilt in the Clyde specially for the Australian Trade, of the highest olass at Lloyd's, has proved itself the quickest out of Great Britain. Their rapid passages and the excellent condition in which the deliver their cargoes have given general satisfaction.
The following Packet- will sail punctually from Glasgow for Melbourne: LOCH TAY, Tons Register. Captain 3Lurax, 10th May, Receiving Cargo all Wednesday, 7th May. Splendid accommodation for Passengers. Fares to Melbourne are Saloon-, 42 guineas; Second Class, 20 and 22 guineas. Third Class, 15 guineas.
Passengers forivajded at Through Rates to Syduev, Adelaide, and Ports in Queensland, New Zealand, and Tasmania. For freight or passn ge, apply to -AiTIiEN, LILBURN, Manager SO. Buchanan Street. Glasgow; or, to JAMES LITTLE 7125 1, AiL-ait square, Ssltat, "TpOYAL MAIL ROUTE TO ENGLAND Xh (VIA BARROW). The init mid Bonte TO LONDON, PARIS, AND THE CONTINENT.
Tlir- Rtm'e to Uftrroaa'c. ond faemtrie JUvdropalbie at Cow-jW-i. ill-lev and ENGLISH. LAKE DISTOICT. First-class Padrtl Sail Evtry livening (Sunday acepted).
rrox I'taLPA OT to A HO W. at 8 o'clock, Airiviag m-fc connection Cecils, 10-20 Hwrogatc, 11-22 a. iiU 2-45 p.m.; KuU, 3.2-15 p.m.; ifoik, 12 noon; Shufiield. 11-25 Lwniou. 3 p.m.
Prom RA-BHOW to "Every Evening (Sunday xccipkxt), AC or after 8-10 o'clock. VShen. frutn utiforwrtt circvanxtances, arrive at too lafe for Hie first couneeiioth passengers mil be convifi to timr by special ax man be found 3fs.sc):ger3 to sens a of Derby may return via Liverjxoi, and direct termors (Beiiast, S.sT Co.) to Bella3 Tourist Programmes, Time Tabies, may be had on pplio-uou to S67S o'AMIiS LITTLE 1, Albert Square. Belfast "RELFAST AND LIVERPOOL. JLf WKBOX SERVICE OB BXPW3S3 OPTIC, OALOKIC, AND DXX.Uilfl MAY, 1S3C.
SAILING PROM BELFAST TO LIVERPOOL, DAILY AT 8 P.M.: SATURDAYS AT 0-30 P.St. Kotb. In May, on Wed nesday, 7th, 19th, itni Tuesday, 20th, the Stearoet will aiot Icavi; Eeiftot 10-30 p. in. PKOM LIVBKPOOL rPrinoe's Dock.
3C.E. Mom Tees. nt ii 10 as 7 Tlrcrs. p.m. 1 ill Ml Friday, i Sat.
Tt.ni. p.m. 7 m'lit 1 tt 21 Dl'lU p.m. 2 at SJ 3 at 10 5 ftt 11 i'2 at 7 3 5 at if 23 m'ni i m'tit Sri 19 at :1 20 at 11 23 ra'atH at Si 26 at at Jii28 at 25 at a. 31 at Si From Prince's Lacding Srage.
Express Service of Trains Daily bt-tiveen Liverpool and London almost every hour, each way, from 5 aon. unfit rrihi-ulgut. Journey about hours. "Trains for Manchcfter leave Central Station and LimeStreel every half hour. Journey minutes Through Bookings with all the principal Stations in England.
Applv to The BELFAST STEAMSHIP COMPANY Belfast. 6650 RELFAST TO DUNDEE, AND WEST HARTLEPOOL. Direct Steamers every THURSDAY, returning from West every TC3SDAY, Newcastle every WEDNESDAY, and Lnudne every TH'UKSDAY. This is the cheapest route lor Goods between Belfast and towns in Forfar, Fire, Northumberland, Durham, and North Yorkshire. For Frtiehtsand ail Information, apply a B.
Ardrossan FROil IRELAND. Daily, Dailv, exep. From Belfast From Greenock From Due at iasgow Du at Glasgow Steamer tS- 0 p.in.jS-3o p.m. Train 4-25 Train i 5- 0 a.m. Train, 5-10 a.m.
5-50 a.m. Steamer 7- 0 a.m. FROM SCOTLAND. From (Kroornielaw). 4- 0 p.m.
From Glasgow (St. Enoch 3- 5 p.m. Prom 'Jretnock Pier) Station. 9-52 p.m. r'rom Ar-h-oss'i.
Steaoierj Due a-t Belfast, --3D a.m. 0 pan. 11-10 p.m. 5- 0 Stes-mer leaves at S-30 p.m. on Saturdays.
Steamer leaves at 2 p.fo. ou Saturdays. CttMa. Sinjle, 12 0d; do. Return.
20s (available for Two Months); Steerage, Single, in. Tickets may be used bv either rotue. Cabin Berths seared at the Steam Packet Offices I Belfast and sasgow. Tickets sold at the priueioal Railwaj Stations G. J.
"RELFAST TO LONDON EVERY TUESDAY AND SATCJiDAY SOUTHAMPTON, EVERY TUESDAY-NEW HAVEN, EVERY TUESDAY: PLYMOUTH. EVERY TUESDAY AND SATURDAY; BELFAST TO CORK, EVERY TUESDAY; WATEBFOHD, EVERY TUESDAY AND SATURDAY LONDON (St. Dock) TO BELFAST, EVERY TUESDAY AND SATURDAY. The Steamers of this Company are unsurpassed in the Channel for Vaseuger accommodation. For further particulars, sec Time and Fare Tables, with mans, showing sailings, circular tours, vitnalling, tariff, free on application at their Offices, 12, Victoria Street.
Trains go alongside Steamer at Larue and Stranraer. Ordinary and Sleeping Carriages run tlirough between Stranraer and London, via London and North-Western Railway. Daily Sailings (Sanaays excepted). An ordinarv through carriage runs from Stranraer to London (St. Paieras).
via Midland Railway. Train service as follows Leave Belfast (York Road) at 4-45 p.m. arrive Glasgow (St. Enoch) via Girvari same evening, at 11-45 London (Ettston) following moruLUgat 7-45; Lonion(S5. Pancras), 7-15 and 8-55.
Through bookings with the principal Stations iii England and Scotland. For fares and further information, see Time Tables, or apply to EDWARD J. COTTON, General Manager Belfast G651 and Northern Counties Railway, Belfast. RISTOL CHANNEL JJ The Screw-Steamers BUMSBR, MED WAY, SOL-WAY, AVON, OE SEVERN SAIL To BRISTOL Every TUESDAY and FRIDAY, arrying fioods ail Through. Bates to the Principal Towns in South -West of Hns-land.
CARDIFF AND SWANSEA Every SATURDAY, at or after 12 n.mn. Carrving Goods to Principal Towns in SOUTH WALES. NEWPORT (MON.) E-ery TUESDAY and FRIDAY, via SRISTOL. TIigfq St have superior abiu Accoinmodatk-ii. Faues: Cabiu, 17s 6d; Ketursi, 26s 3d Steerage, 20s Recunij 15s.
lror further particulars, anplv to W. E- W1LUAMJBS 17, Douegall Quay, Belfast. INilAN LINE. BOYAL MAIL STEAMER TO NSW TNMAN AND INTERNATIONAL STEAMSHIP LlV FntMi Liverpool Bvshy Wednesday. Cifcjof New York Thursday, ifay 7 City of Bertia "WKlnesiiav, Slay 34 City oi Chester Kay 21 City of Chicago TTed-nesrjay, Slay 23 rroai Qacenstoivn every Tnursday.
Faro as low as by any othtz first-class line Moderate Second Cabin and Srtloon. Fares. Thronffh Bookings to any pczl of the STATES or CANADA, iDcitttiing Manitoba and North, and South West Territory. AjpJy to RICHARDS ON, SPENDS, CO, 22, Water Street, Liverpool, or W. J.
Hopper Tailors. Cooks-touMi Ed. A. Convery, James O'Elatie, Aucvicneor, Barynnmey James Snryt-Ju Ingram, Post Office, Hillsborough; Hujfc S. Guinov, ICillyleaeh: James Lytle.
ifaghoira James Cauiobal, Kigh Street, Michael Quin, 13, Jwaes Street, Loy, Cookstown Peter Small. Grocer, ifec, KUktel Henry Lanaou Cornmc-rciai Hotel, CrossmaIea M'Clelland, Churcli Street, Ba Hymen George General Agency Ollices, and Nevtowntevrart John Walker Portadown; G- JI'Elhone, 42, Irish Sweet, Duugaimoi; Geo. Ouy, 45 Men: ants Quay, Nevrry Mr. Thomas RsuUie, PortaEcrry X. Cook fc Son.
27, Koral Avenue. Belfast; or ALEXANDER SHANKS. Aerer.t, 6652 23, Doncfcail Qnay. Beltapt. KGHOR LINE CAMttHtcjkN Mail sicjivice) Glasgow TO SSW YtKK VIA DERRY.
Tons. From Vriym Londouiierry Eth i op 4 C4 Thursday, May 1 Fri day, JLiy 2 Enrnessia 5,495 Thursday, 'ay Friday, May jpei.wn.gers embark at Londonderry at. 11-30 a.m. on Fridays. Fares Saloon Specially Reduced to 9, 10, and 12 Guineas, Return IB, IS, and 21 Guineas.
Secord Calrin (including ah necessaries) to New York, Boston, or Philadelphia, 8 Ss; Steerage, 4. Reduced rates to United States and Canada. LIVERPOOL TO NEW YORK: via QU ERNST OWN. City or Rome, tons, Saturdays, May 17 and June 14. Pares Saloon to New York, Bostob, or PhiLvle-phia, lu to 25 guineas.
Second Cabic (including all necessaries), 1 and 6 Its. Steerage, My Fortnightly Steajnars. fr-oia Glasgow -ami Liverpool to. Bombay and Catcutta ditect, and from Qfasgaw to Mediterranean Ports. Bills of Lading snsd atthrongh rates from Belfast.
For Passage and FreigM, auply to JAilES LITTL3. S681 1. SqttaTe. Belfast. ALLAN LiNE EOYAL MAIL STSAMEK3 TO CANADA AND UNITED STATES.
QALOON, 10 to IS Guineas: I-mermediatfe, 6 6s; Steerage Cheapest; and most expeditions route to all parts of Canada, Manitoba, the North.West Territory, and Britisii Columbia; also to tile Western State? of America. Special Emigrant and Tourist Rates. Through Trains daily from "Ocean to Ocean," and Emigrant Sleeping Cars without, extra charge. A liberal allowance of bagirage tree. Western bound emigrants ac-compaaied by a special conductor.
Prof. Shefjoa" new report and all the latest Maps and Pamphlets free on application. For Passage Tickets and all information, apply to ALLAN BROTHERS James Street, Liverpool-, and Fovle Street, L-ondonderrv or to W. H. MALCOLM, 39, Queen's Square, BelfasU For freig at or passage, applv to THOMSON 6G3) Scottish Amicable Ruildiiiss, Victoria.
NAPLES nine davs later, for ALBANY, ADELAIDE, MELBOURNE, nd SYDKEY with her Majesty's Jlails, callins at Colombo, aud taking v-assenffers for all Ports in AL'STSALASIA. StaamsMps. Tons. H.D. Date.
Ligoria, 4,648 4,200 Hay 9 Ormuz 8.590 May 2S Orotava 5,552 7,000 June 6 Austral 5,524 7,000 June 20 Loading Berth, Tilbury Docits. Steamers atnonjj the largest and fastest afloat high-class cuisine hot anct cold baths electric lighting thrcughoat-thorough ventilation. lares from 17 17s to 7D. Managers P. GREEN 13, Fenehnrch Avenue, anff ANDERSOiT, AXDRSOS, 5, Panchurcli Avenue, i Loniion, E.C.
For freisht or passage, apply to the latter Firm, or to thl Asents in Belfast SiiSJU 60WAS 4, Gorporatio COMMERCIA IRELAND" CfATS: Jx the Irith Tweed M'tue there is a A3 splendid Shtnv of a new ma-he of Tiwerls to which Mr. M'Alery has icen the of Irish Harris Tweeds. They are very beawttfuttf made Goods, even in texture, very nicely finished, and wry to handle. The range is a big one, the designs prineiiMlly being neat checks, small stripes, anil diaimmls. t'hey are made ttjtee-ialhj for the Irith Tweed Some, what district know net, but they reflect very great credit orr, the maker, whoever he way he." See these Goods T.
AT. M'ALmr, 73, Uoyal Avenue. 6767 DRUMMOND'S SWEDE Awarded First Prize at last Root Show. Ball's Bridge. Four times won the Fifty Guinea Cup for best 1 0 acres.
Competition open to all Ireland. Gained numerous prizes throughout the Kingdom. Our true Stock 1 Od per lb. FARM CATALOGUES FEEE. W.
Musio Bound from Is 6809 HIGH-CLASS PLUMBING AND BEST SANITARY GOODS. WE SHALL BE GLAD TO SENT) Experienced Men to examine and test the Drains and Plumbing Work connected with public or private buil d- ings. and give Estimates for the neces- sary repairs or alterations. A large Stock of the most improved SANITARY GOODS always art hands. Richard Patterson 5.7 and 59, HIGH STREET BELFAST.
WANTED TO BUY. LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S LEFT-QFF WEARING APPAREL. Ladies and Gentlemen sending their Addresses will be waited on by Mr or Mrs. Mann, and Persons living at a distarioe who will forward Parcels, shall have the value of them remitted on receipt as directed. Address: 68Q6 1 AND 3 WILLIAM STREET SOUTH.
Belfast WEAK All who suffer from NERVOUS DEBILITY, Lost Vigour, Exhausted MEN Vitality, Kidney Diseases, A Treatise explaining the renowned Maes-MADE TON treatment, by local absorption, the only positive cure without Stomach Me-STEONG. dicine, will be sent in plain envelope sealed for three stamps. The Marston Remedy Co. 24 9 High Holborn, London. 6787 HYDROPHOBIA.
THIS FRIGHTFUL DISEASE CAN BE EFFECTUALLY GUARDED AGAINST bv the use of the New "CLIMAX" MUZZLE, the most perfeet and humane yet invented wearing which your dog can eat, drink, and bark, but cannot bite. Approved of by the Municipal and Police Authorities. Can, be had of all Ironmongers, in all shapes. Every dog has his day, but the "CLIMAX" IS THE MUZZLE. 824S HOUSE COAL.
681 CHAMPAGNE, 1 884 Vintage, and branded ROPER, FRERES, 1st Quality Only. 50s per Dozen. Suitable for any Gentleman's Table. A. FORRESTER, Importer, Arthur Street.
SPECIAL QUALITY OLD IRISH AND SCOTCH WHISKEY. Three years old, suitable for Family use, 1 Es per gallon One year old, 1 4s per gallon. Distilled from Malt only. A. FORRESTER, Arthur Street.
Belfast. 6812 Prize Medals Philadelphia and Amsterdam RIVIERE, GARDRAT FINE BRANDIES, SHIPPED IN WOOD AND BOTTLE FROM Cognac, are Sold by all Importers. Shipping Orders takea for Belfast and North of Ireland by ANDREW HAMILTON, TOMB STREET, BELFAST. 7201 LOUIS VELVETEEN." THE BANK BUILDINGS, BELFAST. This beautiful Fabric, so soft and lustrous in appearance, has become a recognised favourite for ladies' dresses on account of its sterling worth and durablity, and is a very important addition- to a lady's wardrobe, because of its suitability for such a variety of occasions.
These Goods, iu both Black and Colours, can be had at the Bank Buildings from 2s to 3s 3d per yard, and a guarantee of wear accompanies every yard. These combined qualities of wear and appearance, together with its moderate price, have earned for the "Louis" Velvten a world-wide reputation. Our new Stock for Spring 1 890 is just to hand, comprising the well-known Standard Shades, together with additional beautiful tints, which the present season has brought into fashion. THE BANK BUILDINGS, BELFAST. 3622 THE MATBIMONIAL HBEALD ASD FASHIONABLE MARRIAGE GAZETTE Represents the largest and most successful' Matrimonial Agency in the world, aud is, the original and sole responsible medium for the Nobility.
Gentry, and Caroruercial Classes. Price, 3d; (secure in. plain envelope, 4d). Editor. 40, Lamb's, Conduit Street, London, W.C, or order of all 6639 CLERICAL.
CLERGYMAN, beneficed, I.C., desiring change; would take SUNDAY DUTY, in or near Belfast, during Julv; residence required. Clericus. 3925. STew.i.Letter Office. LODGINGS.
EANGOR. Well-Furnished SITTING and one or more BED ROOMS, to Let; hath. h. and facing the sen, near pier; arood H. 8i89, tt-ic-LHUr Office.
BOARD AND LODGING offered in pleasant country parish for a. month iu return for Lessons iu Mathematics. Address, 8902, News-Lttter. DRAWING-ROOM and one or more BEDROOMS to Let; close to Gardens. Address at Nm-s-LftttiT.
89 87 WANTS. A LADY (35) requires SITUATION as House-keep-3r-Companion; experienced, active: good references; country preferred. L. 1 7, Harcourt Road. Dublin.
8803 A YOUNG LADY, domesticated, a good housekeeper and needlewoman, desires a SITUATION as MOTHER'S HELP. Apply to Alpha, 900i, News-Letter. BARMAID AND ASSISTANT BOOKKEEPER. WANTED, SITUATION by respectable Young Lady: experienced; Protestant; English; excellent character. Address, R.
9003, News-Latter. BOOKKEEPER (D.E.). Young Man seeks ENGAGEMENT would go as assistant in good firm can write shorthand. Address, D. 8S28, News-Letter Office.
jpOACHMAN. WANTED, SITUATION, by Young Han; age, 22; rides and drives well; can attend table, and generally useful. Apply, M'Cleave, Saddlers, Belfast. 8825 "SLEEK. WANTED, SITUATION, by a re-J spectable Young Man good penman excellent references.
Address, Clerk, 8809, News-Lett e-r. COOK, professed (English), WANTS SITUATION, business place for the season good references. Address, Cook. 5. Pisa Street.
Grosvenor Road. Belfast. 8839 FOR ENGAGEMENT, first-class BUTLER; most respectable; highly recommended; age 45: good appearance: I.C.: no encumbrance. 'Cord' 8, Wellington Street. 8923 GAMEKEEPER-CARETAKER SEEKS SITUATION; highest reference; knows his business; aged 35; Protestant: would care gentleman's place in his absence.
Address, 8772, this Office. GROCERY AND PROVISIONS. YOUNG MAN, six years' experience, Desires immediate ENGAGEMENT; first-class references from present employers. Address, Grocer, 8924, Neios-Letter. HEAD LOFTMAN WANTS SITUATION has large experience in finishing all classes of light and heavy linens, unions, damasks and cottons, handkerchiefs, For testimonials as to character, please apply, 8841, News-Letter.
HOUSEKEEPER. Widow Lady seeks position with elderly couple or gentleman city or country- B. 8958, Belfast Newe-Leiter Office. ILLINERY and SALES. YOUNG LADY, having thorough practical knowledge of the above, desires RE-ENGAGEMENT; first-clas3 references.
8993, this Office. PROVISION TRADE. YOUNG MAN, with thorough knowledge of entire trade, outside management (workmen. buying, and all office duties, will shortly be DISENGAGED unexceptional references. Address, Provisions, 8659, News-Letter Office, Belfast.
WANTED, a SITUATION as WAITER, by a respectable, steady man good carver; can be well recommended. Apply, Waiter, 8939, News-Letter. "OMPLOYERS requiring Mercantile Assistants Jjj should call with or write Davis Central Mercantile Registry Office, 15, Garfield Street, Belfast. 8279 WANTED. APPRENTICE.
WANTED, a smart, respectable Boy, as Apprentice to the General Drapery Business Apply, John Gray, Gorey, County Wexford. 8904 AVERY GOOD COMMISSION is offered to Travellers calling upon Grocers, to Sell a first-class Dry Soap of superior quality; commission. 1 0 per cent. sample light. Address, with particulars, to care of W.
H. Smith Son, Advertising Agents, Manchester. 8990 BOOT TRADE. WANTED, MANAGER for branch shop one who understands repairs preferred references and security required good salary to suitable map. X.
8995, this Office. BOOT TRADE. WANTED, an experienced SALESWOMAN; also, a YOUNG MAN as Junior. Apply, personally, Tyler Sons, 21, Arthur Square. 8983 CURTAIN DEPARTMENT.
Thoroughly competent SALESMAN WANTED. Apply to Robinson Cleaver. 8920 DRAPERY. WANTED, MAN for the General Drapery, Ready-mades and Boots. Apply, giving experience, references, and salary expected, to A.
Gamble Bailieborough. 8811 DRAPERY. WANTED, a YOUNG MAN, of good character, who could invest about 109 and take charge of a shop in a eountrytown. Apply, in confidence, to B. 8908, News-Letter Office, Belfast.
DRESSMAKING. ANDERSON M'AULEY require a number of experienced SKIRT and BODICE MAKERS. Apply at Donegall Place. 8739 TTLAXBUYER WANTED, for a Rotterdam firm; JU must have experience. Apply, stating salary expected, Dutch, 830 6, News-Latter Offiee, Belfast.
GOOD General Servant (Protestant) Wanted, for small family, 1st May: able to cook and wash; must be well recommended. 1, Haywood Avenue, Ballynafeigh. 8776 GROCERY ASSISTANT WANTED; must have good experience, and be energetic; send copies testimonials, and state salary. Address, Provincial, 8923, this Office. LADY of address and stylish appearance RE-' QUIRED for bar experience unnecessary high wages also, another Barmaid city.
Gilbert's Agency, Castle Chambers. 9025 MEDICAL GENTLEMAN in England, in country district, is desirous of exchanging practices for a week with a Belfast doctor. Apply. 41, Cambridge Terrace, Lupus Street, Pimlico, S.W. 8769 PARTNERSHIP.
WANTED, by a Gentleman, a Partnership in an established paying business requiring from 1,000 to 2,000 capital. Apply to John G. Shaw, Solicitor, 67, High Street. 8981 RESPECTABLE BOY WANTED, for Office work must be well recommended. Apply to T.
E. Osborne, Cycle Depot, 31, Garfield Street. 8831 numher of first-class COAT-MAKERS WANTED. Apply, James Woods 28a, High Street. 891 4 rjlO TAILORS.
Good WANTED. Apply to Mr. Monteojuei Cq Banger ju COATMAEEES Larimer (S. G..