Democrat and Chronicle from Rochester, New York (2024)

luifft Cpporf unfflei 54' Business Opportunities 54 laslmss Opportunities 51, Mortgages USED Cor, auto ports and iunk MORTGAGES, residential, commer-' yard, established 1950 Partly: nni mvt iruiiitrni Teocrsi end Chronicle! Imtum Cpprniiti so r- R-v-heer beauty Shoo vt. Rtoo 111 "Kom' 5 6 .1 Jl Sun MOV 4 69 di-ve's, coloring mochin 1 mor'oopf tor OOP'. Oily. 25440, or 482 3179, Brenno Aoencv GREECE RESTAURANT PARTY HCU SE tencea. five ocres.

Reosonable. Ma- ban. Quick action. icionick R.m.n. Williomson, 1-315-589-2032.

1325-3890. S1V.900 Dewev-Lotto Area Priced less than equipment cost. Owner wM fmonce A terrllic ousiness fh 14.000 (town. (WWW BrockDOrt Hollev) Miie Course ArxircK 95 orres on Monroe Courty Or'eons Ra msoncticn nusf. then ae-toi's.

(:51. MONEY loaned auickly tor any pur-i pose on 1st or 2nd mortgoge. Con-1 suit First Realty 546-5658. Wanted To Borrow 59 ITEMS FOR SALE EARN SPARE MONEY AND HAVE FUN BEAUTY Po-tor: 3 station, hilly eouiooed. tow -nt, Pullman near Loke Ave.

For appt to show, coll Vo Shnn. man. Aliionce Reol'ors, BLOCK, Genesee Bv OODOmtment only Consuls Of certs, 7 stores, od restaurant, owner will tofce reosonoWe mortoaoe Salesmen, Agents SI EARN SPAKE MONEY AND HAVE FUN ALLiNCE i FIRST II WANTED: 135,000 two years moxi-mum. will Day io interest collateral. All replies confiden-' WANTED J650.000 at 10 interest.

Repayment guaranteed in 3 yeors. Will accept from one or numerous investors. Sound colateral, all replies confidential. Write 517MP, This Newspaper. 293-2090 REALTY 546-5658 jERRY MULHERN Smith 328-Stsi, AHionce Realtors.

546-770 BOWLING ollev. res'ouran' ond bar. RESTAURANT: Dr've-ln tor soe or lease, tormeriy Beckers Riooe Aaent to sell cd demonstrate nationally oavertised soorts product Unlimited ooortunity for additional income, instant commission. Soorts background helpful, but not Articles Far Sale 75 Horses; CaHle Dogs, Cats Pets and Supplies .1 A000'10 cora- TRUCKS' Great Dane Y.S. d'Stnb- LO'TCr.

ZJi-VW. 70' SPOTTED, Parade mare, 4 yrs. 15 GARDEN Tractor, Moto-Mower. Like v. dcvvmiui i.onn im.

ir 2 i an i t-uiiy eauippea utnr ot trailers, outomooi.e agency, uiu.jj- torrr-ion. BOB UHU toll Once. K9SI. SU IOIO own Miihnwnt. a wn nrnM Adenl to jell ond noSeno'lv oevertised siw's product.

Unlimited oporun'ty for Od-diticnoi income, mstont commission. Spots boekground helpful, but not essentiol. Write Wp This Newspaper POODLES: Block miniatures, AKC Write 196MP This Newspaper nanus, ana iock. 334U viarrowuuCK new. yvnn luiuiy 'iivweii iieuu- Rd.

Conesus, 346-2095. tights. Rochester Outboard, 923 St. IN from Utah, 2, AOHA registered mares. 3-bars-breedina.

1 reois- GAS Furnaces, 20-year warranty. Kejiisierea. tight weeks. Very rea- uraMors, iuuu rent, inciuoes heo', poter Russo, going business. 300 ft frontage, i BUILDING: 40t80 3 Slow Beocon Realty, 325-4160.

.0.620 sq. tl. steel building or sell! Automobile, Flying Instruction sonoble. 458-6409. 40 room.

7 loroe storooe rooms, i- RESTAURANT, Mam St Good ouiiamg tor store, warehouse. For, lounoromot. 12 washers. Ousiness oooortunity. invest J3.500.

P.00'- coll C. Albert Curtis, Also tered Appaloosa, stud, 4 years. SI 12. Baseboard heating systems i r-. t.

wwii-t, uiuuiiiHig, paining DIRECT a prestige business. Operate an outomob.le leasino rhnln In nrtn i tornmerpol training! puppies. Al Pet Shop. Grooming POCO, Buneno bloodline. Grand for 6 room, S445.

325-4795 evenings. nrve-s, lot pocnoge dr-al. For ooot. Tom Corroll, 264 i340. Vir- irin, jij-y6-5, Moroia P.

born- innH uv riy- wn. yy. Kigge, B0-0U4U. champion, 1968. Well broke, excellent AIR unoer J25 000 Bvro- Rro- o.ia Knooo Realtor.

UJ.75S.T nom Broker, Aebster, 872-1020. Drver, massage vibrator, 4x6 ivour area that is part of a coast to coast operation. You will act os our1 LADIES: Get my free catalog, eom nyiani POODLE: Femnl. Bliv-lr conrirmafion. tait dV4-v44x.

nome ySUQ. 54-523. oi.nuui ui eronauilcs. Airport, w. Henrietta, 271-8069.

nvion pile rug. S30 altogether. 150.. SlflO. even more In RESTAURANT: Air conditioned Co- VACUUM cleaner soles and service AKC reaistered 0 Dancmi iiur.eiing airector for minimum oocity 40.

going busl- Franchise cleaners, busy location, ten (10) automobile leosino nntietc SES. SZFZT'Si. Ht. yZr CHINCHILLAS-: Enlov raxing I able. 334-2081.

Owner well known city and suburban Big profits. No automobile exoeri LAWN gang, mower, 72" riding Toro, good condition. 352-3935. Alir. Plnn ny' "'0'f VII INSTRUCTION ness.

Gross receipts SS5.000. re'inng. Stahl S. Man St, daigua, N.Y. Moe offer.

POODLES: Toys, eight weeks old, 3 males, 2 females. 872-2682. Canon- oreos, under $10,000. Th.s Newspaper. write 2Vbo ence necessary.

All training fur- IJisned. Minimum cash investment V-tM'. yvw'i fc.T"" 227-5747, Instruction Classes 45 POODLE Puppies: Registered, miniatures. tnvS. hAnntisc rairul VACATION while you earn.

Invest in; writ-- A pr Situations JALOUSIE Windows, screens, used, 70x85. (2) 70x69, S25 each. 381-2735, HOSPITAL Bed: Like new, adjustable height, bedside rails, $175i originally $227. 39 Rand St. 458-6971.

a Fionaa motel. Benefit your tom-i, brf ui7.i..:u 1 HREE-hour classroom Instructions: stud service. 454-2008. BRIDLE BUDDIES ENGLISH-WESTERN HORSE SHOW 10:30 SUN. MAY 18TH 1029 RIDGE RD.

WEBSTER 872-4316 ilv, escaoe dull COUNTRY Store. go station, 3 acres land. Mo.n hiqhwov, owner 52 l-e- Mwit Coll7ir-'6-3676 CAR Wash Automatic fwn "Gnod "'I return nnrl nArf rll winter routine, ic- Mondav-Sunrinv. o.m.-10 p.m. OPERATE your own business! No ODoointment necessary, rnli POODLE Puppv: Beautiful white toy Fionaa growth.

Act Now! Smith 8. AIDES nr family emergencies investigate profitable franchises by Tractor-Trailer Passenger Driving I moe. AKC, S125. 392-8542. Franch'se Systems SdwoUMO DeweyAy647-3050.

IPODDLES: Miniature also toys. AKC ioj JBvnzo. need men now for the truckina shw or pet quality puppies, won- vote duty in home, nursing home, Boirer, Flower City Realty, or hospital. Homemokers, mothers 2 8484 HOSPITAL Beds, Mattresses, Wheel Choirs, etc to rent of buy at Na- University. LAWN Mower: Scotts silent deluxe" model.

Nearly new. Gross catcher. r-iNGER Lakes Lakes area Count industry. We will trnin unn nnH oerrui temperament, eosv payment 3081 E. Commercial Ft.

Lauderdale, Jla. 33308. WEBSTER: All brick Ranch" on 7 acres of wooded land. For aoot. Tom Carroll, 266-2340, Virginia Knapp Realtor, 544-7553.

WOLCOTT New listing! Large Restaurant 30 years, famous for ojoce you in the trucking industry Western N.Y. largest breeders service. Green RESTAURANT OPPORTUNITIES Ownr retiring; havtt center! ieverol choice established, oro-'t-ob'e restoj-ants for srle Excellent oooortunitv to own your own successful business ROLSTOWNE REALTY CO. SODUS, 315-483-2311 9 5 good food. Building and 5-room through our driving program.

Farms, Route 5, PIIPFRBCn nrnhinn ISM. uu.i,,meni. uwner wishes to retire. n.uoo to $18,000 yearly. Call thel''Q' -HJ-sua.

priced to sell now, Appt. only, Earle Tractor Trailer Passenaer Driving POODLES: tlnv tnv. liquor license, new dining room ced. Establlsied. 163.

Home DELICATESSEN meat proreinri Family Service? Blossom Medi- Gor(C. BnCk block. 2 s'ores, 2 col Center, 588-3740 aoortments, 3 acres oond business Seile Rea'ty, 54 52" 3 DAY Work: 4 days, weekdays enceot Aoot. call 624 35 17. Thursaoy.473.1031.

NFR Fo-n '00 "ormS HOUSEKEEPER: Capable- refer- during 1 the soring season. ences. exoenenced oioe Aged con- estate ond business with eaum-volescent. Write 550-SP This Newspa- nn'n' vear old Price below ustronoer, Realtor, Penn Yon School, 1600 Dewey Ave. 647-3050 call I clowns, nnner tminorf iojici iei lust comnleterl rnttnn nnH hmicel -jin n-.

3017. POODLE: Puooies. silver, AKC, 8 water, shows good return. RJ. Excellent family op-round.

Call Paul Baker, 342-882. r'l0ri Dusness consists of liquor Private Instruction 60 oia. w. aoa-uyi. iwy-.

i 3fiw. pnnn n. rr RESTAURANT- Steady business in per. nu'wrv rsiuvei. vc Fred Kriveti, Realtor, 232-1525.

ing, 14.3 hands, ribbon winner in i LAWNMOWER, Moto-mower: 22" eauotation, pleasure, command, and1 oskmg $60. Electric broom, lumping, Sound, in Show condition. 2p- Cot $10. Spread, drapes, $35 1-315-394-0442. 5J-'77: REGISTERED Hackney stallion: 5 LAWNBOY Mowers, new, $100.

years old, broke to drive and fine Brighton Mower, 171 Rich's Dug- horness. 225-9362. waYi 54-S124. THE Chieftain of the Appaloosa at LAWN Mowers, new ond used, reels. Stud Service.

Standing at The Rotarys and Riders. Brighton Farm. 1444 Drake Rood, Brockport, mower, 171 Rich's N.Y. LAWN Mpwer, Rpfary, $55. Ex- BOX Stalls, Blake Stables, Ironde- cellent condition.

Call 288-8012. i- trails, feed, pasture, LAWNMOWER: 21" Jocobsen Reo lighted ring. $65 monthly. 467-6180. Good condition.

$100. Call eveninas snooping plaza, tomiiy ooeratton. DONUT shoo rnifee hnr. Shows oood return. UROY: Orange JuTcF franchisin- EeS! A7 inyentoriXl0or t0 iZZZi heorn how 've.

Easy i jSyV $85 Silver wh 621 Secluding all equipment ond building. included F.n.d p'kuo service- Callr w- wnlte- 62'-Zj-Good ooportunity fur young coupfe growth in rGpidlylxaanrtm 'nr'-SchouVS Wnit 1 female. 8 or retiree. For Information Tom Car- Owner .11, Oreo. jchooL 647-3050, 1600 Dewey Aye.

i weeks, AKC, $80. 288-5606. JiVLfn0 Well equipped. highway, modern. Owner, coil 594- v'ry favorable lease Asking in mid 8742.

teens For appt. only, Gus Stefanou, 624 3178. Nothnogle Realtors, virB'n'a Knapp, Real- 544-553. 325-1040. Horry Kessler, 865-431 below market Horry Kessl.

Nethnoaie: Unimed SL'. POODLE Puppies: Standard ouooies. Gallery of Homes, Realtors. 227-4770 Gallerv u. black, HOUSECLEANING- $17 0 day.

9- 3:30. Phone 328-9183. IRONING. Curtains, blankets, spreads, washed drying. References.

544-l908 TEACHER Aide. Nursery school or kindergarten. Vv Qualifications: One yr. lun.or college, 2 yrs. child guidance courses, NYU.

3 yrs. Dracticol experience. No degree. 12 '00 Electronic Dyognostics. DONUT and coffee shoo, west side shopping olazo location, informo tlon bv appt.

only. Dial Really, 342-6' IB, 487-7330 Excellent Dewev FAMOUS old hotel: Must be sold to 533-1319: RESTAURANT i sonable. Inrotinn In r.rwrm esium II moaernizea ana Ave, VIII LIVESTOCK nev rrvikAr thni-t dcuuiiiui reiiuuruill maker. BOX Stalls: Trails, pasture. All feed ojweekends 586-4190.

owner, a proven money PUGS: Seven weeks, thoroughbred Wonderful pets. $75. 119 Asbury Street. DRUGSTORE- Greece. Good order seruire idrol for hnshnnH nnH ond.

banquet room. Excellent nnn Mnnn.l Cvrtt lAn, included. $55 monthly. 637-5806. business, good stock ond fixtures Hotel rooms electric, broiler, 346 Beach Ave.

ami ODPrntinn Fnr nnnl iwi luuiiuc i MOTOR Broil 400 I like new, $27.50. 663-0986. rent. t. real money rnuole or D.nawood Realty, Bob Nugenti MmJ have modern baths.

A Realtors. 546-7 1 70. maker for experienced fnmilu yrs. study of pio-o Desires tun or port time. Now or toll.

Write 313MP In Hlnrlr mar nnA rJm Ic. PUPPIES This Newosnoer. FARM on Indian Riyer: On Route AUTOMATIC Laundry Dry Cleaning Plant. Excellent condition in Rochester Suburb Owner Must Sell 586-3519 11. 8 room house and 3-car oa'Doe.

NliDtFC Dnun H.itu unfS ISO orres. experience. 11 p.m. Except RESTAURANT, service station, ga lands area with year round trade rages: Retiring after 38 years in Only $50,000 ond owners will take business. This is your opportunity to $30,000 mortgage.

Act fast If you buy now! Well established, good lo-want a real bargain. Bob Martin cation, good income. Call 621-3765, 9 Realtors. 288-1000. I Scotties Poodles Miniature Schnouzers Pugs Boxers Toy Fox Terriers Bob Martin Realtors, 2B8- co*ckers Beagles Chihuahuas Wirehoir, Maltese MOWER: 21" reel, attachment for Toro power handle, $20.

442-4084. OIL House heating unit with humidifier, oil fired Tragesser water heater 4 years old. 271-7123. OLIVER two-wheel manure spreader, Ontario fertilizer drill. 527 Maiden Lane near Mt.

Read. 865- 5322. Pekingese a -iu p.m Australian Terriers QUARTER HORSE MARE REGISTERED 9 Yeors old with 3 monfh old registered colt. Mare ribbon winner many times in 1968. Professionally trained Oklohoma Star, Royal King breeding.

Foal nominated for N.Y.S. Futurity. Both sound. 315-394-0329 1000 FOOD Morke's- Go'den opportunity' Established 30 years, some owners, grossing $0 (too and $17 fno wrekiv, owners retiring! Call Nunz Lobene, Reoltor 482 6310. TRAILER Park: Over 100 occupied sites, approved, plans tor over 200 additional 85 acres on main highway, close lo prosperous city between Rochester and Buffalo.

Terrific po Saturday, Sunaav. Evenings, 266-7350. TYPING My home, also Spanish lonouoge, 482-404 1 -6 TYPING- My home. Call Otter 12 noon. 325-6608.

DON call help, call Homemokers: Nurses, Nurses Aides, Homemokers tor duty In hospital or home, Professionoliy screened. bondd. insured. Medical Arts Bldg. Homemak-ers Situations Wanted Mole 53 AL'S PET SHOP Low Low prices GROOMING SALON BOARDING KENNELS 464 W.

RIDGE RD. AT DEWEY IMS-Aom tential ana wonaertui buy. led icnarping Associate Broker, 589-5454 W.E. Bowen, Broker, 637J410. PAIR of low bock barrel chairs, $75; steamer trunk, $10; exercise bicycle, lamp table, $10; record alaver, $25; grill, encylopedlas, $100; Samsonite train case, Sam-sonlte ladies' wordrobe, $10.

381-3845. Bees. Birds fish ond Supplies albiuim: Albion steak house on Clinton street, large building, with apartment, excellent business and Cnll nH Ot 5CHNAUZER: Miniature, RESTAURANT LOUNGE DOWNTOWN GROSSING OVER $500,000 APPOINTMENT ONLY Sam F. Imburgia 586-8129 AL CHRISTIANO REALTY CO. 500 POWERS BLDG.

546-4226 STAUR ANT: Fu ilve "oU fpYe 0 ,633. ST A A i ce reduced." Ideal Stockyards: I paper, S'jxlT; 8V2XI4. Bond, Stockyards: PAPER, 8'ixll; specials now on ulr.TUH,!',',m e' i veqr oia, AKC all EMPIRE Caledonia am. h-vnt anuo. ir erntv.

nenr tnmiii, i D.nnnr a .1 nil Mimeo, Duplicator. Colors only, FRANCHlSED ICE CREAM STORE Including all equipment ond stock. Business hos hod over 50 nationol overage growth over lost 3 vears. Excellent location. For Information coll JOHN BELL 586-0525 RED BARN PROPERTIES 586-9150 socritice price.

Ted Scharping As-sociate Broker 589-5454; W. E. Bowen, Broker 637-5410. paoy male parakeets. ounrnntooH wst sell.

$150. 342-3839. stork everv Tuesday, stnrtina nt 11 on, r.nn, sweet smmnn Mnn.i., taikers, your lit your, CHURCHVILLE: Churchvllle Supply little pets. We hove -nmnit supplies. oi.ni1MUi.CrO: Miniature, AKC, nu MUUi muiauuy, ivtuy weeks, females, cropped, perma-1 Extra calf davs every Monday and nent shots, 334-3681.

Thursday from 8 a.m.-l p.m. for i. higher net returns for your livestock Co. Garage, shoo, popular tire franchise doing terrific business, side Are You This Man? This mon will expect to earn per month.

If vou are willing to work dedicated hours and follow instructions to the letter, we will do the following, 1 train vou (tram vou well), 2 provide ownership of vour own business (on National scale). $3,620 investment You must see It to believe it. This is absolutely one of the finest business oooortunltles in America today. If vou ore interested in this factory representative position for a new Chemical Comnonv please contact me. MR.

VICTOR MYL0R0IE 872-4826 790 WEBSTER ROAD WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 If vou don't have 2 hour's to seriously investigate Into your future please do not coll. UIltl B.T.V.'',,."1 WUIIUII, ui. ruui, J4-0O0U rnnsion tn Wouu Vnrv tnlp'e iMiHinn 4 ICIIIUIB llllll- latures, 8 weeks old. AKr.

Home; livestock marketing cooperative, 53B- AQUARIUM; 29 and 20 complete, stand, filters, reflectors "covers heaters, pants, fish: tun raised. Batavia, 343-4219. tor tavern. Property available. 68IB, John L.

Moron, Mgr. 04O-MU. JB3-I6JV. $100. 442-6179 after 6 and weekend AQUARIUM 10 gallon, tank, filter! GENERAL store an (old times! well I established, 3' ocres all stock and jeaulpment.

42x140' building, living) quarters, gas pumps. Owner reports I BUSINESS MANAGER CONSULTANT EXECUTIVE ASST. Florida lawyer. 15 years general practice: oersonoble imaginalive ond oggressive, seeking association with Individual, firm or growth company. Salary plus stock or other Incentive.

Reputable references provided on re-ouest. "Let's get vour business off the ground." Leave name and phone number. Interview granted at your convenience. 458-3656 SCHNAUZER Miniature, AKC Reals-7588 8 weeks' 544' SCHNAUZER Pups, AKC, Miniature, Inoculated. 9 weeks, 20 Beach Street.

complete. $30. 225-5049. PAINT SALE DUTCH BOY Buy the highest quality paint at Rochester's largest dealer. SAVE GAL SANDLER'S Discount Paint and Wallpaper 70 NORTH ST.

Block from Sibley's Free Parking POOL Fish, and plants, specials on all 0 OSS tnnks. fish cnarlfll, line junx ousiness. oold mine ooportunity for man thot desires to work and earn better than gverage in-cot w. E. Bowen, Broker 637-5410.

ACTIVE or inactive partner work, tor franchlsed service business; In-vestment reauired. i te J23M This ewspa per BROCKPORT: "Rose Manor 139 West Ave. 11 units, large rooms, 9 air conditioners, 12 nearly new TV sets, wall-to-wall carpeting, 6-room attached home, garage, shoo. Ideal set up for couple. Gold mine ooportunity with terms to reliable purchaser.

Aooointment only to imu.uuu gross. 40 miles south of Rochester, Strout Realty, Geneseo week, 3-4 for Kit tens nni SCOTTISH Female, black n.y, proven, snows will. 2 vears Plenty of Saddles English Western Bridles, bits, bosals, blankets, sheets, pads, CLARKE'S RANCH 499 Vosburg Rd. WEBSTER, 671-1223 SALE HOURS, 12-5 SUNDAY DOfokeets. canar-ies, co*ckotie parrots, mynahs, rabbits, and guinea pigs, turtles.

Defec- jiju. ij-qi lo. ancuiics; Heautitui apartment size RESTAURANT BAR AND MOTEL: Canandalgua area on busy highway. Completely eauipoed ready to go. Enlovs excellent business.

Large lot for expansion. Call Frank Chapman 315-394-3062 or John StODfel, Realtor 315-394-1330 Or 394-5332. MOTEL: Canandalgua: 22 Units with beautiful grounds, pool. New residences ond assured occupancy during winter months. An-nuol volume close to $50,000.00 Owners must sell due to other business.

Call for details. John Stoolel, Realtor 315-394-1330 or 394-5332. nla eaCn- P'lU'e 454- Mfil-' snots, reasonable. Sables 266-4231. TENTH Ward; Corner Dewev and EmPrSnn- T.n tntinn 5449 nrionroe Ave, weekc.

rpnlc. dwelling. Asking $50,000 for both, i SALE: Monkeys, turtles, birSTsmnli. SIAMESE Kittens, 6 snow. w.

c. Bowen, Exclusive Bro anuw. c. cuwen, exclusive BrO'i 458-2205 338-2181 tered, Ideal gifts. $25, $35, 586-4924.

ij, Will, ker 637-5410 Ted Scharping associate iaVcorneI heavY- traic, for PLEASURE Pools: Complete, U'. uis una repines. I rooical sh Broker 589-5454 ton 0uZnfZ.mAZ:- num, 662 MAMtiE, kittens, seal point and $159; 18', $239; 24', $319; cheml-cols, liners, fillers. 247 Empire. GATES BUFFALO RD.

(NEAR HOWARD RD Zoned commercial. Large frame bldg. Utilities Installed. Plenty of Parking. Details.

J. Smith 328-8151. ALLIANCE REALTORS 546-7170 Papers. i EMPIRE Coledonia Stockyards Spe Co. Realtors, 872- 046.

-8954 cie t-eeaer ma sale. Thursrtnv. BATAVIA Retail Florist Business; Fully equipped, reasonable rent with lease. In business 6 years, small investment needed. Bob Ray- TTORSTON-Brqoks: Just reduced.1 Monsters, k.ttens, 'canaries, oarak-'i SIAMESE Kittens: Senlnnint.

nm. May 8th, 2 p.m. 538-4900. John Moran, Mgr. Take-Out foods, grosses 520,000 for r-1m snop 900 dispositions, 442- Z3 hours work uyeeb rt nnn ELECTRO-Mechanicol: Electronic or mechanical instrument and ma-i chine developer.

Design, build, in-; stall, service. Experienced. Write 559. SP, this newspaper. HOUSECLEANING, exterior pointing lawns cut, gutte's cleaned.

Win-' dows washed. 271-0713. RESTAURANT: Brood and Wnshino mona, Keaitor, J4J-I852. ton. Fxrei ent eniiinmont thnpllurns 8oT 3208.2tr-FrFnnrk "'V 5" "'OTten i SIAMESE Roy, Frank Philippone Jr.

Senlnoint Iritionc D.n;.. FRESH Load Oklahoma Horses, 11; Western clothing; Mer-Lin Farms, Salmon Creek Williamson, ncni hours. 5 davs. I. nsma 1 nm Rn good investment: 4-apart-house, 4-car aaraae, all yui.

Tunx. ki rpr. inhf in tered. househrnken iHoni Anth Realtor, 232-6610. PITTSBURGH PAINTS SAVE GAL.

SANDLER'S Discount Paint and Wallpaper er's Day. 436-8412. rented. Convenient location, walking assorted fish included. Complete out-fit.

Asking $70. 621-6195 vvaiennz, j-ooou wnn ai Lhristiano Realty Co. 546-4226. aistance to bus, school, church, shop puppies, AKC, 700 Ridge Rd. 'L "Si G0C? RX.

meat store. Gross REST A A.N ping. For appt. only, Florence Mardl Gras." SIBERIAN Huskie Snoridge Kennels, (W. Webster).

Gross With nr without $225,000. termnri; irr, DOU' 1.000 IMOndS area Champion, 271-6721, Nothnagle, Inc. Wanted: Pets, Poultry, Livestock Supplies 74 frirm flMrA. mnl. $9,00" property, parly house or supper 1 Realtors, 227-4770 Dogs, Cats Pets and Supplies 562SP, This Newspooer.

SIBERIAN Huskie puppy: eight i stock. plus hui riina A ram money club. Mauro Fornuto. 865.4237 70 V4 Martin Chns1iajio Realty, 546-4226. 70 NORTH ST.

Block from Sibley's FREE PARKING -JANITOR offices: Repairs, odd lobs, maker. Only $16,500 Bob doys. Write 561 MP, this newspa--Realtors, 28B 1000. Custom dress-Evenings call MI-MSNftN amute: uanrt nlrf AKC- Blue. LIVE poultry wanted, eyes.

467-2948. i inn done 544.9270. SCHAUSER, male, healthy, 266-7015. Doven bitch, started In show, good RESTAURANT: Excellent eauloment. (cor-' Seating (601.

Monroe Ave. Soie or! GROCERY: Plymouth Ave. N. ner Smith). Brick hinlriino lovable.

Free v'mi en. yni-ouj. responsible country with lease, ben waienitz, 473-6660 with AI home, 544-1717. 'long established grocery store ond 2 Christiano Realty Co. 546-4796.

IX MERCHANDISE AMERICAN Eskimo Spitz: Pure 3 924e4282d KCrmit Th0rne' games, alleys. PORTSMOUTH TERR. 6 UNITS Fxcellent income In best area1 4 furnished. Pleasing Plan ond Modern. Masonry construction.

For appt. 244-6998. FIRST 244-6998 REALTY 546-5658 JANETMATTHEWS LONG established bar and-restaurant: Indian River and 1X00 Islands area. Year round trade. Only $27,500 Bob Martin Realtors, 288-1000 SPRINGER Spaniel pups.

AKC, POOL Tables, pin graphs, shuffle boards. 654-8020. lrmnenRV.nAnnD and lounge TTTub- Brenno Agency, 458-2565. i urD5. Grossed $200,000 In '68.

Miots, wormed, champion hunting 3Ab5tl Aale, 7 months. GROCERY Store: Excellent location, $25 000 cosh needed. Excellent condi- AKC, house- 4x8; 5" thick honey-complete accessories, main hiahwov. loroe heer unlnmn. tion.

865-9761 afler 4 P.m POOL table, comb bed, $275. 467-9937. registered permanent shots, broken. 381-1814. TECHNICAL MANAGER I strong R8.D administrative background in plastics, coatings, oockoging.

films odhesives. Speaking knowledae marketing, finance manufacturing. Brood I management in chemical ond plastics industries. Seeking kev role locollv. Write 563MP.

This unjmuw preea, oi-ja5. ST. BERNARD: Registered male; one year. Champion blood lines. Goodmorklngs; sacrflce, best offer.

HE LTIE Puppies: AKC registered Centuria Kennels. Holcomb POOL 20' diameter, 4' deeo. will sell complete, stock fixtures, proDerty. etc. Owner will finance, $75,000.

George Russell, Reoltor, Lokevllle. 346-5915. RESTAURANT" 8, Donut Wll-I liomson, N.Y.. new equipment, i Good gross. E-Z terms.

Ideal for couole. Ben Walenifz. 473-M60 with $225. vacuum cleaner, cover, filler. BEAGLES, 10 months, free.

198 commodore Parkway. BAiTrOT.err!S0'.al"nS' AKC, shots, 131 Alpha St. 381-991. POWER Mower: Rotory, 22 Inch, Breakfastset reasonable 671-3865. o3-zyo.

GROCERY Store and Meat Market: AI Christiano Realty Co. 546-4226. eJuiDD- wolkm RESTAURANT business, well estqb-cooler, good beer business. Largei lished, Finaer Lakes area Lane summer volume resort area. Wirtowi growth.

Shown by aprintment on must sell. George Russell, phone: 235-2454. 5PRINGER Spaniel pups, registered BOXERS: AKC registered, 1 male, 2 females. Good for show or pets 6 weeks d. All shnfs PITTSFORD Restaurant, hnr.

nnnrl. llVer-Whlte. hlintlna stnrl, Qhnle creek. REDUCING machine, Battle Articles for Sale 75 mem, acre poi-King. Iiy 530,000.

Seide Realty 546-5273, appt. call 6J5Pjundays 244-951 7. 404-1yy atter p.m. week davs. GROW WITH THE BIG ONE In Women's Retail Fashion Excitement RfcEL power mower, $20.

UohoH ACETYLENE Welding cylinders, ox HAVE Station wagon would like deliveries for some. 924-3889. Class 2 license. Eight year's jwji 1 3. GROCERY -Meat Market 47lCentrol stereo office desk chair, $10.

40 uuLLit: Blue Merle and White, Judv Whitacre, Holcomb SPRINGER Spaniel Pups. 4 months. ygen and acetylene as low as S43 Pork. Growing business. Full line snots, LOII 624-1143 pair plus contents, eliminate demur- RESTAURANT SERVICE STATION GARAGES 1 ILK a U4 1 RIDING mower: Craftsman, 5HP7 or, meats, grocervs.

Small Invest age charges. Time payments, if de TOY Fox Terriers, registered. Olson, StebbinsRoad, Newark. EXPERIENCED exterior, Inlerioriment returns nice income. MENDON: Store and apartment.

See ad columns 155. Geralriine Bosse, 624-2629L Morgan Housel, Realtor ONTARIO CentVrTBIock "with 7 rent-1 inq units. Financing arranoed. For aoot. onlv Marv Rohnstn 594.

uiaaes, reconea starter. 4 year! sired, welding Supply, 510 state, registered Inoculated, COLLIE Puppies: AKC, tri, warmed. Canandalgua, 394-0790. J25-430j Marine Midland Charge. TERRIER Chihuahua combination, OSt Chill Ave.

Aran. tamnla ACETYLENE Gas Welding, cutting rAmii t- RIDING Mower: Good condition. 1, 1 nr.lers; male' ooper 8162. Home Finding Ser. 1 outt ts, new, usea; a so avai ab e.

Retiring after 38 vears In business. Your opportunity fo buy now! Well established, good loca tion, oood income. Call 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. Answers to Reward.

after 5. mu.iicu. iraisea rn rh rtren Compare. Welding Supply, 510 State, kiuing Tractor: 7 hp, snowoloiJ BRISTOL: Motel with 83 acres, good AKC- 334-5267, i-47Marine Midland Charge. location.

Ri-Cn Renltv. Inr I.IK, A idu tTZZ rrrz r- rrr- pointing. Minor home repairs. Cor-j HARDWARE Store: Well established. Dentrv, woll-tex.

Free estimates. Colli Excellent clientele. Details upnn P.m. Ireauest. Terms.

Mr. Schauman with REPORTER; Trade magazine seeks Sxiter Co. Reqitors, 271-7800 additional chores. Write dog and'sandwkh shoo and This Newspaper. property.

341 Monroe Ave. Store SALES Engineer: Electronic, Elec-ottoched to lt-room house. Illness tro-mechonical, or Communications forces sale. Owner will take bock Systems. BSME Degree.

Exoen-imortgage. Irv Levlnson, Realtor, enced. Write 558 SP, this newspaper, 334-21 05, 473 3671. DONALD'S Window Washing ACETYLENE: $104.50 buys a special kull top desk, $35; mounted tabll Terrier, female. Black and jyhiteJTjveeks, 254-6606, WIREHAIRED terriers, registered.

full-sized we na and ruttina outfit DISTRIBUTOR wanted tn introrlure 334-3719. 621-3765 1 iuu; gins oike. $251 hose ree hose. SO: svtencinn i.j Shots. 621-5849.

Anvtime complete, time payments, welding Supply, 510 State 325-4730, use tli unim-ii iuuucii World's First l-man Golf Cort thit CHIHUHUAS: AKC registered dud-goes 8 ho es for 2c! Sizzling hot 12V. pies. At: 4257 Buffalo Road North electric ke uho esn es fnr tool Chili Kuaa' NorTn unu junuuv Marine Midland Card. ROTARY Mower: AttachecTbag, ei YORKSHIRE Terriers: AKC. The I minimum investment, wire, write Tvr-r m- SANDWICH Shop: Henrietta: Terrific little business.

Short hours. Good lease. Perfect for couple. Appoint- s-uiiuuion, jju. water soft.

nv nun TV nuonies n.aen free estimate. Coll after 2 P.m. special plan with extra no-cost r.u."B." Fe cner, unasav, semi-automatic, $100 ruims, Kouie 5 Batavia, 343-5025. stock, 392-8695, or 865-2720. sample.

Cal-Jet, 1801 Ave. of Stars, Los Angeles, 90067. GROOMING: all breeds. Davs and Now a whole new horizon In view, an unprecedented ground floor opportunity for far-seeing businessman, in the kickv voung world of feminine fashions. youia aeep-well pump, $45.

442-93U 493 FrenchRd. o4-f evenings, l-ree oirk-un. rte very Nine weeks, short-hoired. 464-0829, Brown, Reason- CHIHUAHUA: and white, able. 467-7035.

Wanted Business Opportunities 5ERVICE Station: Excellent business I opportunity Heavy residential Financial assistance available 'Low gailonaoe rental. Small investment Information evenings 924-2045 Dovs 315 4'4-60 86 collect 54A 2 viuaranreea tresh In 6 gal. coses only. One gal. quantl esh antl WEIMARANER pups: AKC registered.

Good blood lines. For appointment, 244-6304. Collies AKT 7 anaiers, North St. iv's "wit! GENERAL Insurance Agency, cash HOTEL Well known established business grossing close to $100,000 Priced below gross For information 266-2340. 544-7553.

KNAPP REALTOR TOM CARROLL wuw.v, ItClftJ. no friend truer than voui free block from Siblev'i Duyer. win consiaer employing for-: collie mar nuunnr nnri-nf napMnn.l i $125 1 a 1 AUFFER Exerciser-couch, SHEFT Metal and heatina business: WESTIES, male, four months, Also new litter, AKC. 889-1551 RED ROOSTER timer, excellent for Insino regis- mraer. 458-2189.

2 male, AKC MOB I HomT-PrTrk: nr itnhi. I Jgrjj- S65. Call 436-7775. YOUNG Collie, Laborador, other responsible country breeds. Free home, 544-1717.

land. Substantial cash puppies: 4 male, 3 female, 546-6622 Monday. 430 Whittier Spencerport. i oood stock, truck, tools, and equipment. Large shoo and 5-room i aoorlment Any reasonable proposition considered.

Write 925MO. This. I Newsoaoer. i SUNOCO dealer ret'irino7)pens" ex I cellent income OPDOrtunitv. in GRAPHIC Arts: 20 years experience printing firm.

Estimating, bookkeeping, paper cutting. Coll, M5O068. MECHANIC: Over 25 veors experience on cors, truck, small and me-d-um size construction eauloment. W'ite 221 MP, This Newspaper TWO boys, 17 ond ,8 oesire full; time summer employment. Drivers li'ses, references.

872-3837. 1119 MAINTAINING lawns ot their See-iing, roiling, groding 232-7237 V-' cis. tion wanted: Line or Staff. Experienced in running small company. Enolnecrina background.

College degree. Write SPcyP. This newspaper. PAINTING, interior, exterior, drve-wovs, sirlewoiks. pit'os.

Depend-ohe Estimates 436-iTM. nsim for relaxinfl' askin 5 STORM Windows: Save! 900, gooi condition, $1 up. Trade Ins. rpei SWIMMING pool ports, filters, liner Covers. 20x40.

Chlorine. 334-4050 Due, cats, kittens. Free for loving old Investments, Stocks, Bonds 56 5 month twine. MO-OUI. ICE Cream Drive Money-maker, LOCAL PUPPIES, sired by German Sheo- iuuiui ui iiume Drana Airr cumii7 needs cnoitnl for Inventnru Excellent Lines nera ond Siberian Husky.

6 weeks Consider trade tor property or vacant land 663-3527. Inocu- uiu males, temaies, sis each. expansion, guaranteed return plus lated 1711 iSwJi share of profit. Write 608MP This rrhl- investment moaern z-oav station, at Lake Dc-l Reasonable, use. Highly profitable location, fon oast 10 vears, now available for! qualified man.

Paid training For! more information call Sun Oil Com-i Air Conditioners 5, 6, 8 thru 29M BTU. ALL Exclusive Airsweep. Fans 16" oscillating, 20" suitcase. Dehumidifiers ALL FOR YOUR SUMMER COMFORT MAYNARD'S ELECTRIC SUPPLY 428 STATE ST. SWIMAA.ING pools: Doughboy abovi ground.

Lowest prices. Special 24 x4' packages. Other sijes. 1 nki Lona hniroH rlMm. Newspaper.

Horses, Cattle 71 oion lines, whelped, March 9. $150. one of America's leading women's fashion chains. Developed by a hundred-million dollar corporation currently administering 600 hlah profit franchise centers coost-to-coast (the name is a household word), choice RED ROOSTER franchise locations are now available for management-caliber men and women who seek their own business. No fashion experience needed but plenty of savvv reauired.

You, too, can realize bo profits bv cashing in on our corporate know-how. Minimum cash reauired: $20,000. Money to Loan 57j377-6488 APPALOOSA registered gelding, yeuia 010, 546-4875. LIQUOR STORE 1768 EMPIRE BLVD. HOME Owners: Need Money? Let us DOBERMANS; AKC, shots taik" combine your bills into one easyi ears done.

Laedlein Kennels 315! monthly payment. No red tape. Mr. 594-6495. rvemieis, Jii ing.

271 -6230. SWIMMING Pool: Filter-flOwfliteri "5- 30 Alberrnarle 458-9051. WALLPAPER Half priceoi less, 10,000 rolls, room lots, $2 4 up Sandler's. 70 North St. APPALOOSES, all types horses, pon uuny, jzo4ju evenings and week-' ends, MrWestrich, 326I918.

TRAVEL Trailer Sa'es and Service. 475 x225' commerciai property. Exceptional franchises. Ideal location. Good gross.

Unlimited potential. Reply B.J.M. Box 30, Webster, N.Y ies jock, aeu, iraae. steve Co an Lewis, y-V, 381-4095. I DOBERMAN Pinscher: oeio, 383-334 Fisher Chill, 436- SPRING Cleaning: Clean-un no i o.

those biack-tan. Show caliber. 334. old winter bills with a loan from 4064 Six weeks old. 315-524- BABY Goats: 9245.

A RGA i WHI sell for whnleso'e inventory ond fixtures. Good leose Mlis se'l at once due to serious health condition. us. You can borrow up to $800 on DOGTralnlno classes rrn.m nr vour signature olone for paving bills! vote All br-ed? Fl.rtHr Ur3nnnrrp.rl; or for anv other worthwhile oumose. Iar f.or ir is.

nunc, iiiiueiiai. Schylmaker, Thibout, Stahon. Quail Itv at lowest prices. We save yoli money on all brands of wallpaper nvls. Sandler's rwm.nt rliYni BAY gelding, 7 vears, 15 hands, oen tie.

225-0076 after 4. Ad-En-On Kennels, Call Mr. Hose or Mr. Buck at Home 624-11 UUnllnHnv in ki r. 11 1 BLACK Gelding: Would be Ideal for onn si open mursj a "UIU luu rSVC.

325-6336 for fast service. ENGLISH Setter: Lovable I'i-vear- eves. iieiu riuiner. ojy-oujj. LIQUOR Store: Two.

ping center. Good Paul Baser. 342-8372 One in volume. Flower shop-1 Call City "TVLnn mQlt' AKC' Ohd vending Machine: Half nrlr.e. es CHESTNUT mare, quarter horse Mortgages 3uil.

O.jlj. Write, wire or call collect for complete prospectus: Michael B. E. Warren 651 Allendale Road King of Prussia, Pennsylvania 19406 Area Code: 215-265-6027 iuuiijII vour nwn cinoet AAaWinni Keai'v. 271-8J84.

TOURIST CAMP NORTHERN ONTARIO CANADA A profitable established business that will still allow you adventure of hunting, fishing. Accessible by road. Approx. 300 miles North-Toronto. Jumping oft place for thousands of miles of wilderness playgrounds.

Tremendous area for canoe trips. Fully equipped. B.g cottages with inside dumbing, lodge, store, boats, motors ond other necessary eauiompnt. REASON HEALTH. Bv OWNER.

Asking $59 000. Write 31 IMP. mo.mni fvicuiiiui geiaing, ouckskin geiaing. Reason able. Caledonia, 1-538-2845.

itNtrLiSH Seller puooies, 6 weeks. TCMuaiY I $75- Penn Yh early special on Dehumldifler LIQUOR sto'e, excellent business, ma.e oftpr. Owner anxious. Seide Business Opportunities S4 Realty 546-5273. add' con 872 1423.

(4); 143 ready to Hance Rd drop. F. Macedon HEIFERS Walton, Center. rtuniimn ii cnnth AiR-condltloner; Emerson. 5,000 diu.

ao. txce em ennn tmn rn 'urn ENGLISH Springer Spaniel pups: GERMAN Shorthair Pointer pTipoies: 586-3741 ShtS' Trainin9 started. 454-2840. 1 RCA TV black white; viollnj Easy washer; drapes; tools; mis eel aneous items. 14 Pebble Hill Rdi Falroorf.

liuuuk More: cmn Ave. G-ossia oyer Good location, low rent, Frank S. Imburoia 81 -8 w'h AI Ch'istiano Realty ALUMINUM storm picture windows HORSES Boarded: Klavbank Slables. 683 Quaker Meeting House Rd. Ho-neoye Falls, Box stalls, training rings, tack shop.

624-1144. ui 40 X5U Ke new. Wpek. Th Newspaper. I ends and evenings, 266-0784.

APAR.i.v.EN'!, wetter. Oooa ana pooo on. cc -101. Col Fqji Bokci, 3 hjwerCtty A.TO ports ono a.smct so 6 -ecst or sho-e Bo? ojoi iied.

Ca AUTO VAT iC LoiiroryT GERMAN Sheperd puppies: AKC, HORSE Sale: Registered half Ara or ust De LIQUOR Store "CulvfV.Ciiford" owner E5SO has a newtioer In town: k' rVSui "pi" HOME MORTGAGE COMPANY 927 Granite Bldq. Now with 35 yrs. experience continues helping people finonce and buv their own homes as well as helping, mortgage holders cash their mortgages. Your home mortgage problems deserve careful considerate attention. Call Mr.

Brown, 377-4174, 271-6348. vL.ESr.bu.r1cd: Tok vour headl to St. Paul Auto Parts, ALUMINUM Extension ladders, two, $60: nnrrh ollrier. ML-a toe 1 X-rayed. Guaranteed.

2390 brans, and grades. Mares, fillies. Park Webster Evenings or Saturdays, 1411 Genesee uuve Keoaua, es N. Bergen Rd, Bvron, 548-2812. Chili, or.

kiSnT ond all ice. cream makingi HORSE: Standard bred black mare. GERMAN Shepherd Puppies: Mole, female; AKC reoistered. Call 227- 1776. u.y-.

jiji.e. ti equipment, homemade ice cream a ousiness. R'e. '04, rotent 01 ter on davs Avon, 926-2944 even-'specialty! Low toxos and hiah Mhe. a 1 nas.

for aueuui'v. LOW ana nign 0 montn 01a colt, jv-2468. goirg Dusmess in nocern piaza in a crowirg area. Dry evening operotien Ea r-f'i ir excei'ert co-d on. Corpora Real-tcs.

Ss5 S.oC ALUMINUM Storm windows, doors Dealers, builders welcomed. Priced right. Many Items In stock. Superior Aluminum, 325-7630, 450 St. Paul mornings.

pross, COl HORSES: priced. hos All types. Reasonably 6215 Rte. 5 20, Avon, rier iH'er'ESts ADO GERMAN Shepherd puooies. AKC Pniito frtinn hucinPcc nf roctni ir.

v4 New York. Luncheonette. acv coil U'C ie SOCO Btir. RllV Mniil Inr-ntinn nnt nnH riiie ctntinrt Dcieturnt! 926-3360. rse sierea.

0 weeks old. 525. 3 5- 394-7715. Owier rnst seu ADDOintrrent, 7'6 seite nrnnlp tnvprn lirpn; nvnil-i BAKERY, Long ousiness, 4 ojort visnea r5 3 HORSES 20: 3 registered appaloosa WALLPAPER SALE Closing out 1000 patterni 50 OFF Pre-Pastcd or REGULAR SANDLER'S Discount Paint and Walloaoer 70 NORTH ST. Free parking, block from Slbley't GERMAN able, oil equipment, garage has 2 Selling ct tract.

or o1 cos shepherd, male, Free to country Loves home. yeiuings. registerea auaner geldings. Registered auorter mare. Bal BARRELS, Steel Drums: For docks, floats, incinerating, etc.

Any kind, size, auanlity. Empire Barrel, 57 Gorham 454-1605. Open Saturday mornings. children. 621-3386.

ance arades. Sell.trnrie. Pnhert d'Ps on te Lowrenre S5S0 or "pfe rf-tncf V.OPK.'NG for es'obhsed p'T-rvoi and busi-rcss Sk ana a'1 mocl-'rn fcu D-cn'. us have at least $30 000. GERMAN Shepherd puppies Fisher, Aliens Hill, Honeoye, 229- dovv nvdraui'c cor noist ana full grease eouipTient, near country club and Boavn Downs for a good business opoortunitv, 0J3.

Buy of a High volume Chrvsler dpo'pr-shia fo- sale in fabulous Genesee iAERY. home yior-: i0r ngnt rnc bj 6 roo-r. rrj-e Cjs eOUipri-et iQrj, fc- JO.J. jp- 3iC-C. re s-ce.

weeks, AKC registered, champion electric, $100. BED, hospital type, 257 Exchange St. VENO'NG Rou'e- uiuuannes, parents x-rayed. Excellent temperament. 282 Pinecrest Dr.

Stop 25 off St. Paul Blvd. Small inve'mert. iounaro-01, e'e 0" y.est HORSES need conditioning? Add two ounces of Purina Horse plus to daily ration. Wm.

H. Archer Corp. 491 Elmgrove Road, 254-1886. Ocal intto lo ens. 4i -f'C sice Coi.

Vf Aiy Voo-e Ir: Reo-'o 654020 WINDOW tans, 2, $35. Roll nwmi 2.5 27S-1, 538-2252. GERMAN Shepherd, silvertip, thor-oughhbred. 254-8804 after 10 a.m. BIKES (bovs) Schwinn English, perfect shape, $45, Sting Ray $30; portable record players-stereo $25, Singer $15, Scott outboard 10 0 $60, Evinrude canoe motor $20; ladder racks vinvl covered ANY MORTGAGE IMMEDIATE CASH Smell Large I.

Purchase Will 2. Place 3. Refinance FRED B. KRAVETZ REALTOR 25 E. MAIN ST.

D'OA P'Oza. Puliv-fau'Dred 1 ping-pong table, heavy duty, $551 ru, 1 ui if 1 v. attnr I 266 IS venr nrnfitn- HORSES, boarded, S25-JJ5, excellent core; all types horses, ponies, tack. Sell, trade Truck for hire. Judmar Farms, 225-9889, 482-4717.

ihe ACSPn Pennn hulll, I IOLO- Sell luaaaae rack clR: hnvc 114.101 fin. RAiisru x. umh ic mm lion beniitiful'y eauipoed. Anot. -ofi reason, OA-er on1 nn 04MMnOOI5' I'5' other clothesllector $65; Cine-Kodak Magaiin Earle C.

Os'rander Realtor, Yan (3151 536-SB51 orofit returi HORSES Boarded, $24.50 Trails, private surroundings. Twin Birch Pen- -ocse i i- -ass Exce'en re-t GERMAN- Sheoard Dog Club sonc-tion match and obedience classes. Sunday, May 4, Powder Mill Park. Entries fromJjAMudglngJjo GERMAN Sheoherd, male, 2 yeoTs. Good disposition.

Asking $60. 872- 1604. GERMAN Shepherd puppies, 5 mo.les-3 females. $25. 57 Bovcllff.

1 GERMAN Shepherds, Thirteen BOX traler, $110; boat taoe recorder $60 r-arms, 2SJ-2086. Ed Koib. 5'65, '0-0 oarden tractor, 6 ho, old hut aood. S'fO'e Ke BAR ana Rea. Er-'o'r, Greece orec, -f-y remjse-et, grossing $450,000 w.i.

os5? financing Frank Phi pocr.e Jr ReO''c. 23 2-66 5 C. B'R Dc-1 ooss ce: Aes'S'ae. go-o re1 A.f cau 00' irciudec ExceHcn poss.b'ii e1-. Asking S7 530 Yoj cor' pea' Bop VcsDurgn, cno'm Manors inc Reajters 003-328-.

BAR New Business prooer-y 2 Charles Pojno. A L. ocse jn eRoi'or BAR: Brocknor Toro Money rnoner, corno.e'e. financing ar-cged, HORSES: Appaloosa mare In foal. Yearling filly eligible for pink papers, Mrs.

SkiD Kemo. Le Rnv. Q67. $125. 546-3358.

-luiJuiu ioL3flO-oyu BUNK Beds'rnetol'rnTTpel "Vibrators: 2507 $19.88. Mattresses. $8 99 rifL L.0D.era,?d. heavy duty, some coil Will) BLVO iC GARDEN STORE 232-1525 8465. lan 1 n.

"T'i Clocks. So rt nriivirinnllv In Int HORSES: registered and grade. For sale. 315-483-4732. CAWAls iriT-Fo St' E' Motel home, nrk'ng 241' a id S'u- Brick driv? v- shew rocs cr i weens, maies, AKC black-gold, I shots.

458-0764. i GOLDEN Retrievers: AKC regis-I tered, 8 weeks, wormed, shots, I Victor 924-2994. iruwers, ouuaers, tram smal to'nrii ekic extra arae sItk nt .1,.. -B(JLEN5 7 hp. Inuvn nnet nnrriai FOR a-3 in HORSE Pasture for rent.

366 N. Greece Rd. Hilton, 352-3705. VAC- b.s,ness rg small busl- Furniture Store Real Estate Bldg. Business Individually or as a unit Quality Stock Suburban Location stock.

Tent City, 280 LvejjAye. iiuciar wnn mower, snowbladel chains. Very oood condition. $500: Fc acct. 244-6'93.

7 saws: Homelite, sales and 872 5357. 2. icng erica- to the 'CDfs end win cpe-ctf or Diy rerei o-ers each new owne t.r-D-ce. wi'h help Plus 4 aoarmen's, GOLDEN Retriever, male AKC reg. 1 CaNte377 pet.

$2001 ncuuLniium size pool table, 0ne' re'inro, .1 finance, Impe- iviuny Hooa usea saws in stock. Knapp Trau, Falrport. eieciric 4E2-2372. Realtors, 233-: FIRST srs wluc Kei never pupoies, rca Portable: Stereo phonograph Rec.t V.ACi f-O' I wormea, snots, AKC Champion stock. 544-4591'.

5 iuoat double barrel Foi sdDi' H' T'ocing Post "2f shoo 30 Ies 2 oce s-e "00 "5 p- re-. -r i''s 45 5 r5. mm suage Pump Steven CHAIN Saws; Pioneer Service, rentals, new lightweights from $159 95 Power Drives, 179 Norris Dr. 271- COMPREORTnglrsol-Randrii5ed, $50. 135 S.

Clinton, Dane Club; Information Western, New on breed. 594- REALTY MATT GREAT York. 959r 546-5658 HEWS HORSES Boarded and Pastured LESSONS: English, Western, Jumoing. DRESSAGE: Training, sales, trailerina, Hunters, Jumpers HIGH STAR FARMS, INC. 5954 Farmington Town Line Rd.

Canandaigua, N.Y 325-3940288 MARES (3) Half Arabian, registered Judy Whitacre, Holcomb, 657-7407, MARE, ten years old, needs experienced rider; $200. 533-1347. Burke Albert C. 49 Park Place tit or 5nd Mortgages hunter portable llne-uo machlnei Snjderman, J25JosePhAvenue. Power reel mower, $15.

Handmower, $5 Boy's blkei $10. 235-3163. 22 Love L. 'Dpe AAA new tnr-j S-'PER Club Sut-nln 3 ocres isif, Twe ye Votf zoned, real good biv us or.ri'"-e-' Frc imburgia, iSf-Sfe. AI Chru-tn o-y ritme' rxiri -a.

ono Reoltv Co. 54i-4226 IRISH Setter Puppies: One female AKC, 9 weeks. Le Roy. 967-9625 IRISH Setter Pud: Female, papers, $80. 458-8021.

Instruetion Classes 45 utrMH Finder Lowrance Fish Ln. co-d 1 Ownfrs T- Nr Vv K-Tor. Never used. $150 Whirlpool KITTENS: Free nnrl rnt fnnrf 1 nnn Avon 926-3730 Realtor vears oia 560. 464-8262, 8J6MO T- Char-oT'eT a omoertv" reo: nice, p-iced for last soie 20, Soil down pavme-' F'onk in.

vie'n hu'510. Christiano Bmii. TORO: Riding 32" "rotary, sportsmaii model. $50. 377-33BB.

SUNBEAM 21" "go's lawn mower catcher. Excellent condition. $7.5. 621-4030. TEL.

BAR- Ave. Good gross. food a 1 1 liauo- o-c beer Ssm F. Imbbrgo, 58f-3'2v, Ai Co. S4M226.

BAR Lounge Caianda sua, Sou'fi Main v'cron gooi oo'ennai or fomilv restaurant in the heo't ol all new construction. SmoM doyri Som F. Irrojrgla. Ssi-e1? with AI Christiano Realty Cc. M6 4224; BAR: Doaoe Orili.

Porced tt to close out estate with living quarters. Mauro Fornutc. 8-5-i23r, with AI Christiano Realty. 544-4226. BAR Restaur'a-1 Si Grossing over $200,000.

Long es'ao- llshed Real gooo tr-ms. Ben yv'aientz, 473-6660 with Ai t.ono Realty Co. 546-422 BAR and Restaurant- Scot'sviHe Road. Seating 2W, Owier ice bock mortgoge. Fronit Imburgia.

586-3139, wi'h AI Cnnstiano Rcal'y 546-4226V vnmu lonie, 36X60, table on 5 rius 496 Ft. comoination. with universal c-va'e resiae-ce, KEYPUNCH Co. PALOMINO: old horse Gentle; pony, drawn buggy. gentle; Saddle.

una snon nairea. 46QI54. KITTENS: Male, 7 weeks, hausebro-jenFree Jor good home. 865-7352, LABRADOR Retriever Puos, AKC, 5553 weKs' tampion sired, 407-324- DRAFTING board, InustrTol tvne KNIT King knitting machine, have 352-1519. frontage ng Th.s A-r' Rea'or, mciineooie, 44X84 with arm tvoe 0 aep 4 orc-o'-r heoi'h oly reoson tr.r sel is gr-ir rr.

re rrrrr' jn, or: Eorle Os'ronder, Von I3'5i PONIES: Of all ages; Raised by me. musi sen one. Like ne 872C2e385t37S WMh h0U" 0' lessons. uiarnng mocnine mounted. Some with fnnl 15 to choose from.

-j 1, Soaved 254-7975. LABRADOR Retriever: male. 2 years, papers. Reasonable. 266-7861.

CHERRY Droofeat table: Wardrobe, DROP Cloths: Tnrnaullns Trck cnv- Shetland mare and colt. 1: chest, ladders, tables. 74 Monhat. ton St. PONIFS: stallion Egypt R.

4 years old. 865 Victor Mode" tn r.r 4 I'lV- AKC, 7 Adjustable refrinernfnr u' MINIATURE Dachshund: months, all shots, male, 1 154. l. 647- REGISTERED grade English, Also ing machine covers. L.

Atkins Sons! FOOD MASKEi iul. cvei'Miys unu juituuv. ncgi-, yun 01. miniature Schnouzers: Beautiful puppies. AKC registered.

Partly ncld Lynn, 6382 Stonehlll Rd. Livonia. DRY Ice: Any auanititv. National Fire Extinguisher, 255 Exchange. Pi 1 welae.r5: New, used, AND COMPTOMETER Specialized training is the key to success.

Enroll now! Short courses with either day or evening classes available. Stop in tor 0 free trial lesson. VICTOR C0MT0METER CORP. 618 Sibley Tower 454-4822 Vam sect on pie'e line cf g-cc ATTENTION! BEAUTY SHOP OWNERS HAIRDRESSERS BARGAIN HUNTERS Car-, ies t.n.,iu uuMjiine ariven, any vuc rniiea, py week or month ng com. ea-s o--d iceal rre'o- Canada's leading manufacturer of pallet racking, slotted and shelving requires aggressive distributor for this area.

For further information write D. Clements CUBIC STORAGE SYSTEMS Division of Westeel-Rosco Ltd. 218 BELFIELD ROAD Rexdale, Onfario P'oduce. no cotv fCr Qr portion. Closed Sundays lime payments.

Welding Suooly 5'0 State, 352-4730, Use your BAR Grill. Genesee St. with proo-erty. Reasonab.e Small aewn payment. Mauro Fornuto, 865-4237, AI Christiano Reolty 546-4226.

BAR and Grill south of Geneseo, N.Y. on Route 63, long estaoiisnea 3-bedroom apartment ooove. 6 dov week operotion. Frank Imburgia 865-8179 with AI Chr.stiano, Realty BARBER Shoo: 2 Small Wayne County town. FuHy eauipoed.

Priced reasonable. Rent, very low. For information call, 3 1 5- STANDARD BRED GELDING Reoistered 3 veor old trained trotter. Bv Yankee Way. out of Genoa.

Good potential. Sound. 315-394-0329 ui iiuiuea. rnone 1-454885 Au-burg, N.Y. OLD English sheep dog: Excellent i jricujings.

Make offer, 586-9214. OLD English Sheepdogs, puos, AKC, 1 champion line. Will personally de-. liver new. Auburn, N.Y.

315-889-5427. I PARROT and cage: Bird Does folk SiO. Coll 334-1043 anytime i POLICE puooies, beauties $15. Trade for antigues, radio, lewelry. Piatt.

202 Scot Waylond 728-5813. pnnni cc. 1 wnn. wo paint and location. Ecr'ient sacrifice Brenno As1 ce Cent-ol 455-2565.

Soedal sale today only, falls, wigiets. olus all accessories. 191 FERNWOQD AVE. ENCYCLOPEDIA Britannica p.aBnr"caiC4'64J9552EaSV FIRE Extinguishers: FHIed while vu oit National Fire Extln- OuJsherSSExchongeJt; FLOOR Model Vanity units: All REFUSE Route Bs.cen'oi Gmd ootent.ol in gro ng community Owner has o'her Dusmess m'erest 524-8254 cot miniatures 352-3959 1 TACK Shoo: Klavbank. Tack I I 352 3 59- Shoo, 683 Quaker Meeting House sues ond colors, reduced BARBER Shop: Established, modern.

vs newsooaer. Fullv eauiooed. Webster, y.nte RE5TAurant Cno'cioi e. iune 404MP, ttiii newsoaoer. box.

$t7i. US portions. 546-1591. f.T":f r-upoies, some oiaer. Reg- Honeoye Falls On Following Page Articles For Salt 75 Additional so1e; products 624-1144 or 740 Panorama Trail South, 381-7600-1-5 daily, -12, Jjaturday.

and Sunday, t-4 p.m "Mntf, 624-2899. 4.

Democrat and Chronicle from Rochester, New York (2024)
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Name: Manual Maggio

Birthday: 1998-01-20

Address: 359 Kelvin Stream, Lake Eldonview, MT 33517-1242

Phone: +577037762465

Job: Product Hospitality Supervisor

Hobby: Gardening, Web surfing, Video gaming, Amateur radio, Flag Football, Reading, Table tennis

Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.