Tanning Beds and Vitamin D - Nutrition | NoahStrength.com (2024)

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Tanning Beds, Do They Help Women Produce Vitamin D? Dr. Ma

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Tanning Beds and Vitamin D - Nutrition | NoahStrength.com (1)

Dr. Sorenson shares if tanning beds help a woman produce vitamin D.

Video taken from the channel: EmpowHER

STUDY: Sun beds an actual source for vitamin D in the winter?

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Video taken from the channel: The Weather Network

Vitamin D Pills vs. Tanning Beds

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DESCRIPTION: A reclassification of tanning beds as a category 1 carcinogen underscores the importance of vitamin D supplementation for those at risk for deficiency. Have a question about this video? Leave it in the comment section at http://nutritionfacts.org/videos/vitamin-d-pills-vs-tanning-beds/ and I’ll try to answer it! And check out the other videos on vitamin D (http://nutritionfacts.org/topics/vitamin-d/). Also, there are 1,449 other subjects (http://nutritionfacts.org/topics/) covered in the rest of my videos-please feel free to explore them as well!
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Video taken from the channel: NutritionFacts.org

Understanding Sunbeds and Their Effect on Vitamin D

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New research has reported that sunbeds with UVB similar to solar summer sunshine may provide an effective alternate vitamin d source during winter months. Learn more….

Video taken from the channel: Vitamin D Society

The benefits of tanning beds over vitamin d supplements and food sources.

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This vid is for my friend Mat and everyone else who doesn’t want to supplement with vitamin d in the winter time and rather get from UV light, which is most optimal source of vitamin d. Now I been using tanning beds for over 8 years..
And I love it. It makes me feels good, especially in the winter the heat, decreases the winter blues with the light, and most importantly increases vitamin d, which helps with the bone health, increase immunity, and actually prevents some forms cancer. Also, getting vitamin d from UV has been shown to be better than supplements and food sources, which there isn’t many of them..that aren’t really appealing flsh liver, blood, guts, and eggs….mushrooms…then there is milk, which they supplement it in there….and the reason why UV it is better:
1. you get more vitamin d..
2. There is no over dose of vitamin d with UV light. Just recently a popular health guru, Gary Nulls (http://www.upi.com/Health_News/2010/04/28/Health-guru-sues-over-Vitamin-D-overdose/UPI-27541272476523/), almost died excess of vitamin d..
3. You get to store it longer.
I go 1-2 times a week in the winter time for a half a session, which is about 8 minutes..
And this is what a Dermatologist by the name of Dr. Michael F. Holick recommends, who wrote a book called UV Advantage…talking about the benefits of UV light and tanning beds..
1. You want to go to a tanning salon that uses low pressure beds (mimics natural sunlights).
-95% UVA and 5% UVB.
-History behind tanning beds, when they first came out they were UVB (insurance policy) then UVA now it’s a mix.
2. You don’t want to burn, you want to sun-kissed not sun burnt.
3. You don’t need to use lotion or oils…..these help to get a more even, deeper, and darker tan. Which they do this by helping to flatten out the skin so increases more surface area so the UV.
4. Eat a low fat diet, lycopene by 45% sunburn, broccoli, grapes….we were meant to eat fruit and be in the sun.
5. Also, you want to make sure the place you go to is clean and wear the safety eyewear..
6. I always go naked..
Increases the total amount of vitamin d you get overall and I heard if you expose your genitals to UV increase testostorone, which in return increase strength. Maybe that’s the big secret with all my all strength feats is that I tan my balls..
Hopefully that answered everything you wanted to know about tanning. If you have any additional questions post it in the comments section. If there is any topics you want me to cover I’ll put them on list topics I want to cover on this channel. If you are going to Woodstock Fruit Festival please sponsor me it would really help me out. So, this is it for this edition of fruit and strength. Make sure you get your lifts in, your fruit on and get some UV. It’s good for you.

Video taken from the channel: fruitandstrength

I get my vitamin d from tanning beds and PROOF that it really works.

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UPDATE 8.1.15: Unfortunately, I will be repeating testing for my vitamin d, because the test I was given in this vid was not extremely sensitive. It would only show if had an extreme vitamin d deficiency leading to osteoporosis or a parathyroid issue, which says a lot, but not enough. I will be repeating with a more accurate 25 OH vitamin d test..
Nevertheless, there is studies on tanning they have high vitamin d levels compared to non-tanners..
Tanning is associated with optimal vitamin D status (serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentration) and higher bone mineral density..
Just how wide spread is vitamin d deficiencies?
Vitamin Deficiencies in Southern California.
Dr. Michael Holick’s Lecture:
Steroids and Viagra in supplements (few of many articles):
Changes in Vitamin D Recommendations:
Low fat diet may help prevent skin cancer:
Natural sunblocks in fruit and vegetables:
Life Expectancy of Eskimos:

Video taken from the channel: fruitandstrength

Tanning Beds and Vitamin D

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Tanning Beds and Vitamin D - Nutrition | NoahStrength.com (7)

Can tanning beds provide Vitamin D synthesis? Tanning beds have had a lot of negative press in the past decade over concerns of skin cancer. As long as you don’t ever get a sunburn, you use them sparingly and safely, and you don’t use them unless you are an adult they can be a safe source of Vitamin D. If you live in the northern hemisphere like I do in Toronto, Canada, the upper US, Europe, Asia, Siberia, you can’t get vitamin D synthesis from the sun during the winter months. Find out why not..
Want to improve your health? Of course you do! Get your health on by utilizing Dr. Jory’s health and fitness expertise! Sports Therapist, Chiropractor, Professor, Strength & Conditioning Specialist, Television Health & Fitness Expert with over a decade of experience..
New videos almost every Friday! I have two kids so be patient:-).
HybridDrJ (Dr. Jory Basso) has a health/fitness/science/education channel. He is an Associate Professor of Biology at Southern California University of Health Sciences. Subscribe to the channel and get your knowledge ON! https://www.hybriddrj.com

Video taken from the channel: Dr. Jory Basso

Indoor tanning increases vitamin D levels, but it comes with some risks. The use and safety of tanning beds has been hotly debated for years, with strong opinions on both sides. The use of tanning beds to increase vitamin D is an even more controversial subject; while some claim that proper levels of vitamin D are vital to a healthy immune system, others point to the dangerous UVA and UVB rays tanning beds.

From this study, we can conclude that the regular use of a tanning bed that emits vitamin D–producing ultraviolet radiation (UVB rays) is associated with higher Vitamin D concentrations and thus may provide many medical health benefits, such as the protection against chronic diseases including hypertension, cardiovascular disease, type I diabetes, and common cancers.In most tanning beds, UVB rays existence is little to none. As a measurement, it is almost never more than 5% of the total exposure.

So, Do Tanning Beds provide Vitamin D? Owing to all the information above, the answer is NO! Tanning beds do not provide vitamin D and the primary reason for that is the unavailability of UVB rays in the tanning bulbs.The moisturizing and skin-caring effect in tanning lotions, help the UVB rays to penetrate deep enough to reach the vitamin D receptors in your skin-cells. They also reduce any visual aging-effects of UV-light (see my proof here). Do NOT use sun-protection lotions (except, maybe, for the face as described above).

The American Academy of Dermatology does not recommend getting vitamin D from sun exposure or indoor tanning because ultraviolet rays from the sun and tanning beds can cause skin cancer.A tanning bed will never provide you with the vitamin D that you need, nor is it safer than tanning outdoors. Not understanding the facts can literally mean the difference between life and death.

Both ultraviolet A (UVA) and ultraviolet B (UVB) radiation cause cell damage that can lead to skin cancer. When you lie in an indoor tanning bed, you are exposed primarily to UVA, which penetrates deep into.Indoor tanning with use of tanning beds can help correct the insufficiency of vitamin D in body.

For the skin to synthesize this vitamin, it requires the B band or spectrum of ultraviolet rays. Sunlight releases both A and B bands of ultraviolet rays.When it comes to producing special UV rays that trigger production of vitamin D in the skin, tanning beds are not all the same. Production of vitamin D requires ultraviolet rays of 295-310 nm wavelength.

These, however, are near the burning area of the UV light.The magnetic ballasts are associated with electromagnetic field (EMF) exposure and excessive exposure to EMF has been linked to increased incidence in cancer. So, low pressure, electronic ballast sunbeds are good for vitamin D production, second to real sun exposure, but only if you don’t burn.Following standard sunbed tanning protocols in a typical tanning salon can achieve physiological levels of vitamin D when the sunbed lamp emits UVB in the range equivalent to outdoor summer sunshine, which most sunbed lamps do.

Mean 25 (OH)D levels were increased by an average of 42 nmol/L in the sunbeds that used 100W and 160W fluorescents.evidence of an increased risk of melanoma and, possibly, nonmelanoma skin cancer. Tanning bed proponents cite the health benefits of vitamin D to support indoor tanning, including concerns that reduced vitamin D levels or certain vitamin D receptor polymorphisms may be associated with increased incidence of various.Tanning indoors is not a good way to get vitamin D, because of the harmful characteristics of ultraviolet light rays, and the effects they have on the body. UVA and UVB Rays Both the sun and tanning booths send out two kinds of ultraviolet light rays – UVA and UVB.

Your skin absorbs both types, but in.It has been shown that full body exposure of fair-skinned individuals to 10 to 15 minutes of midday summer sun is equivalent to one MED and resulted in the synthesis of approximately 15,000 IU/d of vitamin D 3.48 By this reasoning, exposure of 15% of the body surface area (eg, face, hands, and arms) to a level of one-third MED should result in cutaneous biosynthesis of 1000 IU/d of vitamin D.The sun is one source of vitamin D, which is why it’s sometimes called the “sunshine vitamin.” However, the AAD advises against getting vitamin D.

Experts found a 75 percent increase in melanoma among those who first used tanning beds in their teens or 20s. Melanoma is the most serious type of skin cancer. If you’d like the golden glow of a tan without exposure to damaging UV radiation, consider using a sunless tanning product.

Avoid tanning beds, and use a broad-spectrum sunscreen.

List of related literature:

However, most tanning beds primarily emit UVA rays (97%) [40] which do not contribute to vitamin D synthesis in the skin.

Tanning Beds and Vitamin D - Nutrition | NoahStrength.com (8)
fromVitamin D: Two-Volume Set
by David Feldman, J. Wesley Pike, John S. Adams
Elsevier Science, 2011

Be aware that tanning beds not only cause the skin to make vitamin D, but also increase risks for skin cancer.

Tanning Beds and Vitamin D - Nutrition | NoahStrength.com (9)
fromAmerican Dietetic Association Complete Food and Nutrition Guide, Revised and Updated 4th Edition
by Roberta Larson Duyff
HMH Books, 2012

The association of tanning and skin cancer in adulthood is well established and is especially apparent among individuals with early childhood and adolescent exposure (use of a tanning bed before the age of 30 years increases the risk of melanoma by 75 percent.

Tanning Beds and Vitamin D - Nutrition | NoahStrength.com (10)
fromThe Sociology of Health, Healing, and Illness
by Gregory L. Weiss
Taylor & Francis, 2017

Most tanning salons claim to use only UVA radiation in their tanning beds, but this claim is false.

Tanning Beds and Vitamin D - Nutrition | NoahStrength.com (11)
fromConn’s Current Therapy 2016
by Edward T. Bope, Rick D. Kellerman
Elsevier, 2015

a tanning bed with ultraviolet light can raise vitamin D levels; however, their use can be carcinogenic andisnot recommended.

Tanning Beds and Vitamin D - Nutrition | NoahStrength.com (12)
fromBecoming Raw: The Essential Guide to Raw Vegan Diets
by Brenda Davis, Vesanto Melina
Book Publishing Company, 2011

Use of tanning beds, which contain mainly UV-A rays, should be discouraged, and patients should be educated about the risks of using them, including photoaging, ocular damage, and skin cancer.

Tanning Beds and Vitamin D - Nutrition | NoahStrength.com (13)
fromRemington: The Science and Practice of Pharmacy
by David B. Troy, Joseph Price Remington, Paul Beringer
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2006

Many adverse effects of tanning beds have been documented, including acute sunburn, suppression of cutaneous DNA repair and immune functioning, ocular disorders, and increased risk for skin cancer, specifically squamous/basal cell carcinoma and melanoma.

Tanning Beds and Vitamin D - Nutrition | NoahStrength.com (14)
fromPhysical Examination and Health Assessment Canadian E-Book
by Carolyn Jarvis, Annette J. Browne, et. al.
Elsevier Health Sciences, 2018

Decreased cardiovascular disease and decreased overall mortality were associated with increased solar UV exposure, but increased cancer and overall mortality were associated with artificial UV (tanning bed) exposure.

Tanning Beds and Vitamin D - Nutrition | NoahStrength.com (15)
fromPrinciples and Practice of Photoprotection
by Steven Q. Wang, Henry W. Lim
Springer International Publishing, 2016

An analysis by Lazovich et al. (2010) concludes: “our results add considerable weight to the IARC report that indoor tanning is carcinogenic in humans and should be avoided to reduce the risk of melanoma.”

Tanning Beds and Vitamin D - Nutrition | NoahStrength.com (16)
fromIntermediate Physics for Medicine and Biology
by Russell K. Hobbie, Bradley J. Roth
Springer International Publishing, 2015

Ultraviolet radiation: Sun exposure, tanning beds, and vitamin D levels.

Tanning Beds and Vitamin D - Nutrition | NoahStrength.com (17)
fromNursing Outcomes Classification (NOC),Measurement of Health Outcomes,5: Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC)
by Sue Moorhead
Elsevier/Mosby, 2013

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Tanning Beds and Vitamin D - Nutrition | NoahStrength.com (2024)


Do tanning beds help with vitamin D absorption? ›

It doesn't. The bulbs used in tanning beds emit mostly UVA light; however, your body needs UVB light to make vitamin D. To get vitamin D safely, board-certified dermatologists recommend that healthy adults get vitamin D from their diet.

Can sunbeds cause too much vitamin D? ›

No. Any vitamin D you might get through using a sunbed is outweighed by the harms of using sunbeds. A bit of sun can help our bodies to make the vitamin D it needs, but there's no need to sunbathe or use a sunbed to get vitamin D.

Do you tan better if you take vitamin D? ›

Vitamin D and Tanning: the Bottom Line

As you can see, the science isn't really conclusive enough to say one way or the other whether vitamin D supplements help to darken or tan the skin.

Do tanning beds have any health benefits? ›

Several health benefit claims such as improved appearance, enhanced mood, and increased vitamin D levels have been attributed to tanning. Furthermore, the Indoor Tanning Association claims that “catching some rays may lengthen your life” [5]. Exposure to sunlight has been linked to improved energy and elevated mood.

How can I maximize vitamin D absorption from the sun? ›

To make sure you get the amount you need, let the sun shine on your face or arms for about 10 minutes between 11am and 3pm, but take care not to burn. Ultraviolet rays from the sun produce vitamin D on cloudy days but it can take a little longer.

Do people with darker skin absorb less vitamin D? ›

Melanin is the pigment that provides skin color, and individuals with darker skin have more of it than those with lighter skin. Having more melanin reduces your ability to synthesize vitamin D from the sun, resulting in lower 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels, according to the ODS.

How much vitamin D do you get from the sun in 15 minutes? ›

In summer and spring, with 22% of uncovered skin, 1000 IU vitamin D doses are synthesized in 10-15 min of sun exposure for adults.

What blocks vitamin D absorption? ›

Because vitamin D is fat soluble, its absorption depends on the gut's ability to absorb dietary fat [4]. Fat malabsorption is associated with medical conditions that include some forms of liver disease, cystic fibrosis, celiac disease, Crohn's disease, and ulcerative colitis [1,63].

What vitamin makes you tan faster? ›

The best known of all is certainly beta-carotene. It is the precursor of vitamin A that stimulates the production of melanin and that helps minimize the aggressive action of sunlight on the skin.

Why am I not tanning in the sun anymore? ›

Basically, everybody's skin reaches a cut-off point when their skin can't tan anymore. This is due to the fact it's physically unable to produce any more melanin, the pigment that makes our skin turn darker.

Why do I feel better after tanning bed? ›

Research says that people who used sunbeds are more relaxed, balanced, less anxious compared to non- users. The UV radiation increases the production of endorphins, a group of “happy hormones” manufactured in the brain and released in the body which elevates our mood.

How often is it OK to use a tanning bed? ›

Moderate tanning of 2-3 sessions a week is OK for everyone else but ensure you rest the skin for a minimum of 24 hours between each session and at least 48 hours for skin type 2. The European Standard advises not to exceed 60 sessions per annum.

Does your body absorb vitamin D in the shade? ›

Shade is important as a UV minimisation strategy; however, it may also play an important role in providing the human body with adequate levels of UVB radiation for pre-Vitamin D3 production without experiencing the relatively higher levels of UVA irradiances present in full sun.

Can you get vitamin D on a cloudy day? ›

You can still synthesise vitamin D on a cloudy day because full spectrum sunlight is still occurring behind the overcast skies during any season. Ultraviolet (UV) light is required to produce vitamin D, which is still present even on a cloudy day.

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