The Herald-Sun from Durham, North Carolina (2024)

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Durham, North Carolina

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SEC 1 PAGE 3 DURHAM MORNING HERALD DURHAM SATURDAY DECEMBER 18 1954 WC Still In Uproar Multi-Million Dollar Coble It Was For Ex-Editors Assert Concluded iry Sale To Restrainer Agreement Is Reached GREENSBORO Dec I7 Chancellor Edward Graham A drawing of the mnleChjPf administrative officer issued "nagahw oMhe' nation's an reprimand anyway after biggest woine 's college produced studying the affair He said the an uproar today in which the girl strongest protection for a free student editors resigned in defense press is the judgment and respon- ort- jsihility to (hose privileged to exer- The offjcial attitude was that clwit And he CorddaI gfaff he Unh 1I0UI aid apparently was mixed up galleries Not so said chief editor and Dehora Marcus who refused to Graham addcd that whi1p the censor material ia the magazine' msisls wido ranRe of for political expediency for self-expression of With Miss Marcus who npprnprl- artists in its midst there are atcly lives at 12-Mi Shnkrsxurc galleries art booklets and other Avc in New t'ork stepped down media on the campus besides tho entire staff of the "Coraddi general publications for viewing literary publication of Woman's this expression II accused the College of tho University of North staff of using "bad but Carolina excused it of in The college lying in the heart connection with the drawing of North Carolina had an enroll-! The drawing in anntomical dement of 2404 this year making it tail was done by Iee Hall a the biggest all-girl college in the graduate student from Lexington United States The only men's col- who was not available for lege within taxi-distance is Guil- comment The accompanied a Quakci institution a short story entitled "Humans The controversy over the full-Blades and which apparent-page male nude in the fall Issue ly had nothing to do with the i of the Coraddi apparently had' illustration been raging on the campus fur Miss Marcus in a 200-word jsomc time Hut as Miss Marcus statement of resignation said the 'acidly pointed nut the student magazine staff felt that anything legislature voted 21 to 18 against suitable for drawing and writing in taking the editors to task revers-the field of fine arts was suitable ing an earlier vote to do so 'for printing or exhibiting Red Cross Worker Honored LEXINGTON Dec 17 I -The way was cleared here today for the sale of the multi-million dollar Coble dairy firm to the Coble Dairy Products Cooperative Inc including stockholders from four states The sale had hinged for several weeks on a restraining order brought against the sale of Lay and others of Anderson SC in Davidson Superior Court Attorneys representing Lay and the other protestants met prior to a meeting of stockholders of the co-op and later announced that an agreement had been reached on the restraining order They said a request will be made in Superior Court Monday that the restraining order be dismissed The Coble property is valued at approximately 71 million dollars including various plants and equipment in the Carolines Virginia and Georgia Under the purchase plan George Coble will receive 7000 shares of preferred stock in the co-op lie also will retain Maegeo Farm here valued at $1800000 and the largest Mrs 1 If Daiis of Oxford is shown ns she rereived from Chairman Watkins of the Granville Chapter a Red Cross service pin symbolic of 22 years' continuous volunteer service for the local chapter As instructor in home nursing and first aid Mrs Davis has held training sessions in Oxford and around the county over a period oi more thun 20 years Her record is one of the longest in the nation (Tom Johnson Photo) GE Plans To Build Huge Plant Near Hendersonville Mebane Exchan gites Honored Robert Compton outgoing president of the Mebane Exchange Club has been named "Exchangite of the prodiseer In the Coble system The Year" by his fellow club members Lee Settle immediate past state president was enrolled in the Book ume the liabilities of Golden Deeds Both of these awards are the first to be made by the club Compton is shown at left Coble Dairy Products Co shown HENDERSONVILLE Dec 17 the plant will be In full production receiving his award from Dr A Sherron of High Point state secretary as Lee Settle looks on at the i an audit General Electric today an- before the end of 1956 right Dr Sherron also installed the following 19f5 officers of the club: Swain Wilkinson president Win-1 Coble resigned as chairman of nminced plans to build a multi-1 chappy who addressed a lunch-der Long vice president William Livesary secretary Milton Miller treasurer: and Keith Truitt Jesse the executive board of the co-op millinn-dollar plant near Hcndcr-Pnn meeting of community and Rice Sam Pender Nelson Pender and Curtis ark Jr members of the hoard of rontrol and Bishop I-eonard Jr ot sonvillc to house its outdoor light-'COunty leaders said "Ilendcrson- Photo by William Lynch) Salisbury president of the co-op-ing department villc will liccomc the outdoor light- was elevated to take his place The plant will manufacture street jng crntor tie world pres-1 lights traffic control signals andj No Action Taken By Orange Board On $4000 Request By Welfare Unit HILLSBORO Dec 17-A special asked for $422305 to be tacked payment per person Is $1714 announcement that GE meeting of the Orange County on to the $36016 the county pays month By June there will be 475dlllon8 yet to mct' JmnvineuVe vnn i for the department Some of the Ed Young of Florence a vice ident on the board of directors i flood lights for airports uthlotic was named to the executive board field and other commercial uses It will employ about 600 mnst modi rn manufacturing th- however told the moving the department from Lynn department Fully Automatic! NEW LOW PRICE! 0 With Easy Terms After Small Down Payment Lawrence top experts top experts these su your organization is truly I to Hmderson County was company in tl nOWoTef0r by Boon Cherry d'Mds tabm here to Leonard issued a statement on1" of the ouldm luAitinic Commissioners last night failed to toward the $235149 yearly budget persons on the rolls The welfare add an extra $4nfl0 to the V0tf3re The state and federal governments board has Department's quarter of a million pay the remaining $199133 land will need dollar budget The extra money would be di Chairman Ilonbs call vided this way wen are MS hand loncy would be di- The final item is aid to totally $78645 to old age and permanently disabled persons ibrhalf 0 the stockholders He said the plant willl Honclcrsonville was selected cooncration with growers nro-lbe a complete business re- Clierry said because of its the commissioners together on assistanCCl $211735 to aid for do- of whom there are 60 in the coun-ing coopcratlon lin pro- 1 luPnrrh manufacturing and assem-' uiale "which will provide engl ducers and other arcn' manuiaciuring ana assem- organizations in- rnnditinn fnr nil eluding state milk commissions by marketing and business of- "wr I conditions tor all ciumng state mux commissions 1 1 forms noting research "The executive committee feels11" 1 other GE plants constructed in end of World lamp wire facile said that engineers hope to'tory in Goldsboro an automatic ghoud DUbiic Title to some 6C acres of land is' Other GE plants DlirPhasiU is coni lbe process of being transferred be South since the P' a request by Henry Hogan pendent children and $132125 to ty A total of $17316 has been ap-chairman of the welfare board a)d to permanently and totally dis- propriated for them with the fed- and the board superintendent ablil persons ML'vaneParker I No action was taken on Both welfare officials said there' quCit iast night wh both the was not enough money to run the missioners and the welfare son set at $3578 There are ex county program through thel 'lsi officials expressing hope that peeled to be 65 persons on the cal year ending June 30 They will turn A fur- rolls by June 30 Funds on hand eral and state governments pay- the re- ing $14716 and the county $2600 wunSSu! blanket plant at Asheboro the week Ihuge appliances plant at Ixniisvllle Ate too much? well where's your rollofTUMS? given a thorough probing At least original budget proposed by thejnd procedures wln be such as toryJ1llcd' ai) ntAnn one commissioner campaigned for welfare department it was esti-1 reflect the true welfare of the' The comPany 0aI investment iston Ala a medium transform- election on a "crack-down on wcl-mated 300 persons would be on producers distributors and con-in pLalt to 1 f-r uP n- Ga a hcad fare plank old age assistance rolls 475 on 'sumers eral million dollars he said It is light plant in Lexington Ky and After pleading for additional aid for dependent children andi affecting Brice ru-'boired that so nc production can be a receiving tubes factory in Owens-funds Supt Tarker later said she 62 on aid to permanently and to-Unm tared by lale next year and that boro Ky hoped to get $1 "from Raleigh" ally disabled However she plus $K5 from the federal govern- ed the commissioners cut the soundly and in conformity with the ment for rent on the new court- budget by $4000 the amount she best interests of all house offices the welfare organi- is now seeking to take care of "We will cooperate hearily with Burlington Picks Director 1 established organizations and commissions which represent the pro- zation will occupy shortly jthe persons not figured in the Mrs Parker has been constant-'present budget ff ly plugging for Venetian blinds to' she indicated In her figures that ducers and the industry to insure tasscd ln offices other items are holding their own I success of the co-operative and the She told the commissioners shchpy include aid to the blind with dairy industry in I aL )mt Model RT30S planned to use part of the $82a a total nppropriatinn of 3300 Jfor that purpose so there would ith the coun 20(M fbe stime privacy for welfare work- Warding me for children to-ersand persons being interviewed aIed w30 with the county pay Her suggestion on blinds hasnt inB 3i400 Administration is well with several of the lnR 27i973 with the county paying commissioners at previous meet- 314376 In a table of budget figures handed to the commissioners it'li blI boardmK was shown that presently there W0: are 264 persons receiving old age i Paur" assistance in the county The total ani hospitalization $8000 budget for this item is $100440 For Community Building BURLINGTON Dec Wil-' Concord Following his graduation liam If Flowe of Kannapolis has from college where he earned an been employed to direct Burling- A degree in sociology Flowe ton's $50001)0 Community Building took advanced graduate training scheduled to open here in Feb-1 at the University of North Caro-ruary ilina and at Springfield College at The announcement was made Springfield Mass For four years today by Burlington Community he was employed in the North Building Inc a group of Ala-! and South Carolina Inter-State tnance County businessmen and YMCA Council and during the industrialists which is financing same time directed the organize-the project The director his wife tion's camp for boys at Black and young son are now living Mountain When Add Indigestion Strikes a handy roll of Turns in pocket or purse can he "worth its weight in gold" For Turns give top-speed relief from gas heartburn sour yet can't over-alkalize cause acid rehound Turns require no water no take litem enywhere Get a roll today with the federal and state governments paying $87440 and the county $13000 Average payment per rerson amounts to $3219 By June 30 there is expected to be five persons added to old age assistance rolls The welfare board stated it has $734805 on hand now and will need $813450 by June The budget figures showed an annual expenditure of $78744 for Man 47 Convicted For Arson Among 9 Paroled By State RALEIGH Dec 17 UP-A Gull- 436 aid to dependent children ford County man who drew a pris- grants with the federal and state on term of 30 to 40 years for burn-1 urrin a member of cost of memberships the policies of the Year" at Kannapolis in government paying $69458 and ing a house has left prison on pa- Nbols High School and details of the operation of the 1951 While there he was a mem- the county $9286 The average role Pfscnt ofthe Oxford Ko-j building and the extent of the rro-jber of the Rotary Club here I For the past five and one-half Flowe who has been associated years Flowe has been employed with Cannon Memorial YMCA at by the Cannon Memorial YMCA Kannapolis for the past five and to have the largest onc-half years will spend the next membership of any YMCA in the few weeks in planning the exten- world resignation of Cash as chief give program wliirh will be! While at Kannapolis he was a of the 13-man police force effec-l launched from the modern struc-! member of a number of clubs live Dec 31 Cash has been chief ture now nearing completion on and served as international direc-here for 10 years and an officer: south Main Street at the City tor for Clubs since 1932 He is being retained park Active in community and church in the city's employ as a detcc-' live ti Frigidflire7 Electric Range GIANT FULL-WIDTH OVEN COOK-MASTER OVEN CONTROL COOKING-TOP LAMP APPLIANCE OUTLET FULL-WIDTH STORAGE DRAWER ADJUSTABLE OVEN SHELVES DIVIDED TOP RANDIANTUBE UNITS LIFETIME PORCELAIN FINISH Come In! See This Frigidaire Electric Range ond Many Others All at Low Weekly Payment Prices! TUM KIMS FOX TM TUMMY The State Board of Pamirs aid tary Glub and George Tarry gram will be made from time to A member of the First Baptist day that John Croshv 47-vrnr manaK" of Export Leaf time within the next few weeks Church he was chairman of the Negro was among nine wr- Company were chosen to A Wake Forest College gradu- Board of Deacons and was the today Negro was among nine per Dairyland Farms Inc MOO'S FROM DAIRYLAND the director is a native of teacher of the Men's Bible Class old sons who have been issued paroles Crosby drew his arson sentence in May 1941 in Guilford Superior Court His 30-40 year term was cut to 25-40 years in January 1948 Others who won paroles today included: James Herman White sentenced in Hertford County in July 1953 complete the terms of Joe A Wat-late kins and Cox resigned on the city hoard Watkins has resigned to take his seat next month as a member of the North Carolina House of Representatives Cox earlier this month became a county commissioner Watkins also was mayor pro-tem and Commissioner George Dan- IN COLOR EGG NOG to two concurrent terms of 3-5' id was elected to that post years for manslaughter and hit-1 Cash told the board he wanted! run driving Bernard Dalton Lee i to resign because his health no! convicted in March 1953 in Dur-: longer would enable him to pro-j ham and November 1952 in Vake vide the vigorous administration for forgery and speeding and given the department required City one term of 3-5 and another of 12 Manager Fred Parham said he months to run consecutively would designate Assistant Chief Recce Morgan convicted in Car-D White to serve as acting teret in June 1952 of assault with! chief until a permanent appoint-a deadly weapon with intent to ment is made kill inflicting serious injury and given 5-7 years Harry Kale sentenced In May' 1940 in Iredell for second degree murder and given 29-30 years Jacobs convicted in Hoke last ATLANTA Dec 17 A 48-ycar-old Atlanta woman is seeking Lucky period on the receiving endl Norma Pencil ia really top in wriu ing efficiency Four differently colored pencil compactly engineered into one I Flick and the driired color (lip into writing poiition Flick and the point change color from Mack to red blue or green Equipped with eraer and reaerva lead Norma' the gift that' alwayt uaeful alway in uie As traditional during the Holiday season as mistletoe Our Egg Nog mix is made from fresh grade A cream milk eggs and the finest flavoring ingredients Made according to an Old Colonial Rich and A Wonderful Food Chapel Hill Bennett Blocksidge Inc Durham Huntley's Furniture Co Montgomery Aldridge Penny Furniture Co Rollins-Bloodworth Inc Hillsboro Bivins Furniture Co Mebane James Electric Furniture Co Oxford Penny Furniture Co Roxboro Ledbetter's January "of iolatin! a divorce al" a fParatjon he and given two concurrent terms ay? has lasted nearly 33 years of 18 months Eddie Marsh convicted in Nash in December Mrs Elizabeth Taplcy Webb in a petition filed in Superior Court IS hToT manslaughter he GustutT' Webb years Gussle Wright iontenced'1" January 19 whe? Jh wa 11 in Mecklenburg in August 1945 1 to 20 years for second degree mur in February 1922 just after her Special Through the Christmas Holidays Only SPECIAL PRICE nEn Har- ON QUANTITY PURCHASES IwG pGl Im All Available Only at GLEN LENNOX SHOPPING CENTER CHAPEL HILL DAIRYLAND FARMS Inc HOME OF FINE ICE CREAM Dairyland Farms lncv Nth birthday In France Easter was regarded as the first day of the year until 1564 der and Leonard Price Jr sentenced In January 1952 in Beaufort to two concurrent terms of 12 months and 5-7 years for manslaughter and driving drunk The ROSE AGENCY Inc COMMERCIAL STATIONERS.

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The Herald-Sun from Durham, North Carolina (2024)
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Author: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

Address: Suite 851 78549 Lubowitz Well, Wardside, TX 98080-8615

Phone: +67618977178100

Job: Manufacturing Director

Hobby: Running, Mountaineering, Inline skating, Writing, Baton twirling, Computer programming, Stone skipping

Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.