Traverse Town Walkthrough (KH1FM) - KHGuides (2025)

Traverse Town Walkthrough (KH1FM) - KHGuides (1)

Follow Pluto down the alleyway and around the corner; Sora will discover that he is now in another world. Enter the accessory shop through the large doors behind you to meet Cid, the humble (and a bit kooky) shopkeeper.

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Searching in the Second District

Open the chest above the green cabinet near the shop doors to obtain a Mythril Shard. Exit the shop and travel up the stairs on the left to reach the area behind the shop. Travel through the large doors in the far corner on the right to enter the second district.

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After witnessing a stranger lose their heart, you are free to roam the second district fighting enemies. When you're ready to proceed, defeat at least five of the small creatures and talk to Cid in the accessory shop of the first district. Equip a few curative items, save your progress at the save station in the room, and exit the shop.

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HP: 120EXP: 30DIFFICULTY: Traverse Town Walkthrough (KH1FM) - KHGuides (13)

Leon has very high attack power, and two strikes from his gunblade can spell the end for you. Leon often approaches slowly and attacks with two strikes, leaving him vulnerable after his second strike. Run in a wide circle around Leon to avoid his swings, then attack with one or two hits between his strikes (Leon does not stagger easily and will often make contact with you before you can complete a combo). He can also leap toward you from far away; he's typically open to stagger immediately after he lands.

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When he summons a fire ball, you can run to the sides to dodge or press the attack button at the right time to send the fire ball back at Leon for damage; if done successfully, Leon will be dazed for short period, during which you can strike him with a complete combo.

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REWARD:Elixir (awarded after defeating Guard Armor, if Sora triumphs over Leon)

If you are KO'd in the fight with Leon, the game will still continue.

After fighting with Leon, talk to Yuffie near the bed; she will explain that the Keyblade can unlock any door or chest. Open the chest on the table in the center of the room to receive an Elixir. If you strike the large clock above Leon ten times, a chest will appear on the dresser containing a Mythril. When you're ready to proceed, save your progress and talk to Leon; select "I'm ready!"

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To the Third District

NEW HEARTLESS: Shadow, Soldier

If you wish to gain more EXP to level up, run around the second district defeating the Heartless. You can also return to the first district and talk to Aerith in front of the accessory shop to receive a Mega-Potion.

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When you're ready to proceed, head for the third district; to get there, enter the second district and travel around behind the shops along the east wall. Once you reach the third district, equip curative items and travel down the ramp on the right.

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Donald and Goofy will "drop in" on Sora, followed by an ambush by a group of Heartless. Switch between attacking enemies with the Keyblade and running around to avoid damage; try to keep most of the Heartless in front of you to avoid being attacked from behind. After clearing the ambush, another guest will drop in on Sora, but it's not a friend this time...

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Guard Armor

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HP: 700EXP: 110DIFFICULTY:Traverse Town Walkthrough (KH1FM) - KHGuides (35)

Before entering this battle, enter the main menu and equip a Potion or two for Sora. Guard Armor is made of several parts that can attack you separately: its two hands, its two feet, and its torso. Focus your attacks on the hands using aerial combos first (the hands are the fastest moving of the three parts, and therefore pose the greatest threat most of the time). Lock on to each part to keep better track of its movement.

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Focus on one piece at a time while monitoring where the other pieces are; try rotating the camera to have most of the parts in focus. If you see most parts move high into the air and start flipping around wildly, jump away to either side to avoid the parts crashing down. When you deplete all HP from a part, HP balls will be released. You can time your attacks to parry some of Guard Armor's attacks. If you deflect an attack, that part of the body will stagger and fall to the ground for a moment, allowing you to deal damage.

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REWARD:Brave Warrior

After Guard Armor is defeated, Sora is formally introduced to Donald and Goofy. Aerith, Leon, and Yuffie will give you 500 munny to spend as you see fit. If you managed to defeat Leon when you first arrived in Traverse Town, he will give Sora an Elixir. Donald teaches Sora the magic spell Fire, and Goofy teaches Sora the Dodge Roll ability.

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Before you continue, open the menu to equip Dodge Roll, and equip Accessories and abilities to Donald and Goofy. You can also remove any remaining curative items from their inventory and save them for later.

Your First Trinity

If you approach one of the small blue symbols on the ground, you will learn that they are called Trinities. Only the Blue Trinities are active at first. Sora, Donald, and Goofy perform trinity moves beside them, which can yield gifts like HP balls, munny, or items. You may leave Traverse Town using a save station or by exiting through the large doors on the south end of the first district. Travel to the world to the right of Traverse Town.

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Unlock the Third District Door

If you return to the Third District, you can examine the large keyhole near the tall double-doors; this will unlock this door connecting the First and Third District.

Before you leave Traverse Town, you can visit Donald's Nephews' Shop and collect postcards.

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Red Trinity to the Alleyway

After arriving in Traverse Town, travel to the alleyway (accessed through the southwest corner of the second district) and perform the Red Trinity located in the water channel in the northwest. Enter the newly-accessible waterway and talk to Leon. Before you leave the waterway, talk to Leon again to ask him about the gummi block found in Deep Jungle; Leon has no clue as to what to do with it, but he gives Sora Earthshine for good luck.

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Delivering the Old Book

NEW HEARTLESS: Yellow Opera, Air Soldier

Return to the first district and talk to Cid in the Accessory Shop; he promises to install the Navi-G to the gummi ship in exchange for a favor: Sora receives an Old Book to deliver to a man who lives in the third district.

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Go to the third district (accessed through the southeast corner of the second district - where you fought Guard Armor), and you will see a wooden door on the far wall with a fire symbol etched into it; cast Fire on the door to unlock it, then proceed to enter through.

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If you haven't unlocked the door between the first and third districts, you will need to go to the second district and travel through the door found behind the shops.

Jump across the moving stones and enter the old deserted house in the center of the lake to meet Merlin; talk to him to give him the old book. The Fairy Godmother also appears and transforms the Earthshine item received from Leon to grant Sora the ability to summon Simba. Before leaving Merlin's house, unseal the Blue Trinity in the room and examine the old book if you wish.

Examining the old book will take Sora to the Hundred Acre Wood. Visiting the Hundred Acre Wood is optional at this time; however, you will be unable to leave Traverse Town until you have returned to Cid in the First District.

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Returning to Cid

After leaving the Hundred Acre Wood, exit Merlin's house and return to the third district. After the cutscene, enter the vacant house in the third district (located up the stairs) and talk to Cid. Cid has installed the Navigation Gummi on the Gummi ship and gives Sora a Warp-G.

With a Warp-G, you can travel to worlds you have already visited instantly! The Warp-G is automatically installed on your Gummi Ship, so you don't have to worry about adding it to your blueprints.

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The Bell in the Second District

Travel to the second district and enter the gizmo shop (accessed through the doors in the northwest corner), then exit through the doors on the opposite side. Use the ladder on your immediate left to reach the bell. Perform the Red Trinity on the boarded up bell tower.

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Ring the bell three times to reveal the Keyhole in the fountain in the southern part of the district. Equip curative items and approach the Keyhole; Guard Armor drops by again, but after striking it a few times, it will transform into Opposite Armor.

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Opposite Armor

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HP: 900EXP: 390DIFFICULTY: Traverse Town Walkthrough (KH1FM) - KHGuides (77)

Opposite Armor's behavior is very similar to Guard Armor's, but with new and stronger attacks. If you have the Guard ability equipped, you can use it to deflect incoming attacks and stagger its pieces for a short time, giving you an opportunity to strike. Attack each of its parts separately, starting with the hands and feet, leaving the torso for last. If you're having trouble reaching its parts by jumping, consider equipping the Jungleking keychain for its longer reach.

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Try to keep all parts in view so you can prepare for incoming attacks. If you strike the torso and its HP doesn't deplete, switch your lock-on to its head and attack that directly. Opposite Armor will sometimes convert into a cannon and fire cannon balls at you. Jump, guard, or dodge roll below the enemy when it fires. Be sure to cast Cure or use an item whenever your HP dips to critical levels.

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REWARD:Sora learns the magic spell Aero

After sealing the Keyhole, return to the first district and talk to Cid behind the accessory shop. Cid explains that he works with gummi ships and will sell Sora & company gummi parts and upgrades. He gives Sora a Comet-G for free.

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Pinocchio in the Accessory Shop

Enter the accessory shop and examine the colorful heap on the floor next to the counter to meet Pinocchio; Jiminy tasks Sora & co. with searching Pinocchio's father as they travel on the gummi ship.

The Phil Cup is now available at Olympus Coliseum. Enter the tournament and emerge victorious for rewards!

You can return to the gummi ship through a save station or by passing through the large doors in the southern section of the first district. To continue the story, choose to travel to one of the portals on the world map.

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Accessing the Synthesis Room

Returning to Traverse Town is optional at this time, but you may find it beneficial in preparing for the worlds ahead. Enter the accessory shop in the first district and activate the Green Trinity on the floor; climbing the ladder will lead to the Synthesis Room. Speak to the Moogle on the table to hear an explanation about item synthesis, then speak to the Moogle nearest the furnace to begin synthesizing.

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Exiting through the door on the back wall (next to the ladder) will unlock this door and allow you to access the Synthesis Room directly from the first district.

Torn Page #1 & Bambi

If you recovered the Torn Page from Agrabah's Dark Chamber, return it to the book in Merlin's study. If you received the Naturespark in the Hundred Acre Wood, talk to the Fairy Godmother and she will grant Sora the ability to summon Bambi. You can return to the gummi ship through a save station or by passing through the large doors in the southern section of the first district. When you're ready to proceed with the story, warp to Agrabah and select the next world on the world map.

New weapons are now available for Donald and Goofy in Donald's Nephews' Shop! And don't forget to collect postcards.

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Geppeto's Workshop

Returning to Traverse Town is optional at this time, but you may find it beneficial to prepare for the worlds ahead. There is a new building in the northeast corner of the first district to find Geppetto's Workshop; Geppetto will give Sora blueprints he has made depending on how many Heartless he has defeated. The chest in the corner contains the Wishing Star keychain. If you enter Geppetto's House 30 times, talk to Pinocchio and he will give you the Chocobo blueprint.

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Traverse Town Walkthrough (KH1FM) - KHGuides (111) Dont forget to visit the synthesis shop in the first district, kupo! The Moogles can synthesize new items for you, kupo!

Spellbinder, Torn Page #2 & Dumbo

If you have acquired all seven types of magic, go to Merlin's study through the passage in the third district and talk to him to receive the Spellbinder keychain. If you found the Watergleam in the mouth of Monstro, present it to the Fairy Godmother and Sora will be granted the ability to summon Dumbo.

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If you found the Torn Page in Chamber 6 of Monstro, you can return it to the book in Merlin's study. You can return to the gummi ship through a save station or by passing through the large doors in the southern section of the first district. Warp to Monstro, then proceed to the next world on the world map.

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The Pegasus Cup is now available at Olympus Coliseum. Enter the tournament and emerge victorious for rewards!

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Installing the Navi-G Piece

Talk to Cid behind the Accessory Shop in the first district to get the Navi-G Piece installed. As Cid returns from installing the gummi, he gives Sora a Transform-G, which allows you to transform into a different ship during flight.

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Traverse Town Walkthrough (KH1FM) - KHGuides (126) Dont forget to visit the synthesis shop in the first district, kupo! The Moogles can synthesize new items for you, kupo!

Prepare for the next world

Take this opportunity to stock up on needed items and purchase stronger weapons for Donald and Goofy from the Hewey, Dewey, and Louie's shop in the first district. When you are ready to continue, exit the world through a save station or through the doors in the first district; warp to Neverland, then travel to the world on its right.

If you found the Torn Pages in Ariel's Grotto in Atlantica or in the Lab of Halloween Town, return them to the book in Merlin's study.

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The Nav-Gummi in the Waterway

After speaking with Leon & company, go to the first district and talk to Cid behind the accessory shop; he will tell Sora that there's a Navigation Gummi in the secret waterway (located in the northwest corner of the alleyway; you accessed this area previously by performing a red trinity).

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When you reach the secret waterway, walk up to the mural on the wall to receive the Navigation Gummi. After receiving the gummi, return to where Kairi is standing and speak with her to receive the Oathkeeper keychain.

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Torn Page #5 & Mushu

From the waterway, travel up the nearby stairway and into the Magician's Study. Talk to the Fairy Godmother and give her the Fireglow; she will give Sora the ability to summon Mushu. If you have managed to obtain all six summons, the Fairy Godmother will give Donald Lord Fortune.

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If you have returned more than 50 puppies to Pongo and Perdita, they will reward Sora with the final Torn Page; return it to the book in Merlin's study to finish the story. New weapons are also available for Donald and Goofy in Donald's Nephews' Shop.

Installing the Navigation Gummi

Return to the first district and talk to Cid to install the new Navigation Gummi. When you are ready to proceed, return to the gummi ship and return to Hollow Bastion through the new portal that appears near Traverse Town.

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Name: Mr. See Jast

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Introduction: My name is Mr. See Jast, I am a open, jolly, gorgeous, courageous, inexpensive, friendly, homely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.